Portfolios A and B are actively managed. Based on current dividend yields and expected capital gains the expected rates of return on portfolios A & B are 10 and 17% respectfully. The beta of A is 0.5, while that of B is 1.4. The T bill rate is currently 2% while the expected rate of return of the S&P 500 index is 12% . The standard deviation of portfolio a is 26% annually while that of B is 35%, and that of the index is 21%. If you hold S&P 500 index and are looking to add an active component to your portfolio, which portfolio will you selec
Risk and return
Before understanding the concept of Risk and Return in Financial Management, understanding the two-concept Risk and return individually is necessary.
Capital Asset Pricing Model
Capital asset pricing model, also known as CAPM, shows the relationship between the expected return of the investment and the market at risk. This concept is basically used particularly in the case of stocks or shares. It is also used across finance for pricing assets that have higher risk identity and for evaluating the expected returns for the assets given the risk of those assets and also the cost of capital.
Portfolios A and B are actively managed. Based on current dividend yields and expected

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