PLEASE HELP WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, I'LL DEFINETELY UPVOTE IF YOUR SOLUTION IS CORRECT!! 1. Consider the following stories: “All dogs who are not tired and are smart are happy. Those dogs who do tricks are not stupid. Fido can do tricks and is full of energy. Happy dogs have exciting lives.” Translate the sentences of into predicate form Transform the predicate sentences into clause form Prove via forward chaining that Fido has an exciting life Prove via backward chaining that Fido has an exciting life Prove via Resolution that Fido has an exciting life 2. “Anyone passing the history exams and winning the lottery is happy. But anyone who studies or is lucky can pass all the exams. John did not study, but he is lucky. Anyone who is lucky wins the lottery.” Translate the sentences of into predicate form Transform the predicate sentences into clause form Prove via forward chaining that John is happy. Prove via backward chaining that John is happy Prove via Resolution that John is happy
1. Consider the following stories: “All dogs who are not tired and are smart are happy. Those dogs who do tricks are not stupid. Fido can do tricks and is full of energy. Happy dogs have exciting lives.”
Translate the sentences of into predicate form
Transform the predicate sentences into clause form
Prove via forward chaining that Fido has an exciting life
Prove via backward chaining that Fido has an exciting life
Prove via Resolution that Fido has an exciting life
2. “Anyone passing the history exams and winning the lottery is happy. But anyone who studies or is lucky can pass all the exams. John did not study, but he is lucky. Anyone who is lucky wins the lottery.”
Translate the sentences of into predicate form
Transform the predicate sentences into clause form
Prove via forward chaining that John is happy.
Prove via backward chaining that John is happy
Prove via Resolution that John is happy

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps