-3, 3 @The density of biodiesel is 875 teg and Ilitre = lo m m3 Find the density of biodiesel in units of ite Find the energy Content of bio diesel ( 38 MJ) in units of MJ/litre ng The energy Content of ethanol is 24 35 MJ/Bitve. Find the energy content of E50 Contains 50% of ethanol and 50% of gasoline and that of gasoline is litre a blend that O A patch of of blodiesel over the course of lyear algoe 1 k m ih area yields 1, 700, 000 litres what s the area requlred to moet the entire amual petioleun- based d lesel consunption of 20x 10 litres in the US A ? e Mention too of advantages for biodiesel production using algae conpared to palm oil (f) A 23W LED lamp produres light at an Intensity comparoble to a If the LED lifetime is 30, 000 houns and the Toow incandescent bulb. cost of electnicity is $0.12 per kwh, what is the total savngs th energy costs over the LED lifetime ?
A machine is a device that accepts energy in some available form and utilizes it to do a type of work. Energy, work, or power has to be transferred from one mechanical part to another to run a machine. While the transfer of energy between two machine parts, those two parts experience a relative motion with each other. Studying such relative motions is termed kinematics.
Kinetic Energy and Work-Energy Theorem
In physics, work is the product of the net force in direction of the displacement and the magnitude of this displacement or it can also be defined as the energy transfer of an object when it is moved for a distance due to the forces acting on it in the direction of displacement and perpendicular to the displacement which is called the normal force. Energy is the capacity of any object doing work. The SI unit of work is joule and energy is Joule. This principle follows the second law of Newton's law of motion where the net force causes the acceleration of an object. The force of gravity which is downward force and the normal force acting on an object which is perpendicular to the object are equal in magnitude but opposite to the direction, so while determining the net force, these two components cancel out. The net force is the horizontal component of the force and in our explanation, we consider everything as frictionless surface since friction should also be calculated while called the work-energy component of the object. The two most basics of energy classification are potential energy and kinetic energy. There are various kinds of kinetic energy like chemical, mechanical, thermal, nuclear, electrical, radiant energy, and so on. The work is done when there is a change in energy and it mainly depends on the application of force and movement of the object. Let us say how much work is needed to lift a 5kg ball 5m high. Work is mathematically represented as Force ×Displacement. So it will be 5kg times the gravitational constant on earth and the distance moved by the object. Wnet=Fnet times Displacement.

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