Pair the words with the right description: Mammalia , Testudines, Rhynchocephalia, Amniota Tetrapoda,Cryptodira, Reptilia ,Squamata, Crocodylia, Pleurodira, Lepidosauria,Archosauria,Crocodiles, Anura
Pair the words with the right description: Mammalia , Testudines, Rhynchocephalia, Amniota Tetrapoda,Cryptodira, Reptilia ,Squamata, Crocodylia, Pleurodira, Lepidosauria,Archosauria,Crocodiles, Anura
The oldest lineage of extant reptiles.
This clade is the sister taxon to reptiles.
Adults are terrestrial and nocturnal, while the young are diurnal.
Larval forms of most species are herbivorous while adults are insectivorous/carnivorous.
The closest living relatives of avian reptiles.
They are known as the "side necked" turtles.
Have elongate, tapering snouts and, with the mouth closed, the 4th tooth on the lower jaw is visible.
Most diverse and speciose clade of reptiles.
Adults of this taxon are known to be cannibalistic on younger individuals.
Possess teeth set in bony sockets and replace teeth throughout their lives.
Males in this taxon have paired copulatory organs and movable quadrate bone in the skull.
Members of this order exhibit complex social behavior and fairly extensive parental care.
They are known as the "hidden neck" turtles.
The least diverse or speciose reptile group (i.e., the group with the fewest number of species).
This taxon includes “lizards” and snakes.
Includes squamates and its sister taxon (i.e., Squamata + it’s sister taxon = ?)
Members of this taxon have four-chambered hearts.
Member of this taxon are known to shed their skin in one or several large pieces.
Members of this group have the skin covered in waterproof scales.
This taxon includes a number of venomous species.

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