ollowing is a draft of a requirement document of Small Hotel Reservation System (SHORS). A . Problem : The proposed software system will be used to manage the front-desk activities of a hotel. It will be able to accept reservations, to record information about the hotel guests, to verify room availability, and to allocate rooms to guests. C . Environment and system models: In its first version, the SHORS will be a simple application to be run from a single computer.
The following is a draft of a requirement document of Small Hotel Reservation
System (SHORS).
A . Problem :
The proposed software system will be used to manage the front-desk activities of a hotel.
It will be able to accept reservations, to record information about the hotel guests, to verify
room availability, and to allocate rooms to guests.
C . Environment and system models:
In its first version, the SHORS will be a simple application to be run from a single
D . Functional requirements:
1. Guest
1.1 The information associated with each guest is: name , address and phone number.
1.2 The full name of a guest is represented by a single string of characters.
1.3 Guests are searched using a substring, any guest name that contains that sub-
string is returned by the search operation.
1.4 The address of a guest is represented by a single string of characters. This contains
the complete address (street, city, postal code, · · ·)
1.5 The phone number is represented by a string of characters.
1.6 An account can be printed and contains the information about a guest’s stay and
the amount to be paid. The printed account also includes the name of the hotel
and the date at which it has been issued.
2. Room
2.1 Each room has a number. Some of them are also designated by a special name.
2.2 A quality level is associated with each room.
2.3 A quality level is identified by a number. Standard rooms usually have quality
number 0. This number increases as the quality of the associated increases.
2.4 Quality level can also be given a name.
2.5 A list of characteristics is associated with each quality level. It describes the
equipment common to the room having this quality level as well any other special
elements such as location, views or privileges.
2.6 All rooms having the same quality level have the same maximum daily rate.
2.7 The maximum daily rate is for one person. There may be an additional charge
for each extra person.
2.8 The room charge per night can be less than the specified daily rate.
2.9 A room is either smoking or non-smoking.
2.10 A room contains a certain number of beds, all of the same type. Typical config-
urations are 2 Queen beds or 1 King bed.
2.11 Some rooms can adjoin 1 or 2 other rooms.
2.12 Adjoining rooms always belong to the same quality level.
2.13 Equivalent rooms are said to belong to the same category. When a guest makes a
reservation, recording the room category is sufficient. On check-in, any available
room of the required category can be assigned to the guest.
2.14 Two rooms are equivalent if they belong to the same quality level, they have the
same smoking status and they have the same type and number of beds.
3. Reservation
3.1 To make a reservation, the guest must specify the arrival date and the departure
date (or the number of nights) for the proposed stay.
3.2 Normally, a room is not allocated when a guest makes a reservation, the room
allocation being made only when the guest checks in.
3.3 A reservation is accepted only if rooms are available.
3.4 A room is available if the total number of rooms of the required category is
greater than the number of rooms of that category requested by the reservations,
throughout the specified period.
3.5 When a reservation is made for a suite (i.e., two or more adjoining rooms), the
room allocation must be done immediately.
3.6 A reservation is for one guest, for one sequence of consecutive nights for rooms
of one category.
3.7 A reservation can be canceled at any time.
E . Quality Requirements
1. Although this project has been under taken to satisfy the needs of a particular hotel,
it should be built with enough flexibility such that it can be used by a wide variety
of hotels.
2. The user interface of the system does not have to allow a user to enter and modify
information concerning the hotel configuration (number of rooms, room descriptions,
etc.). However, there should exist a simple means by which the hotel can be described
(such as a text file).
3. Information concerning guests and their reservations must be persistent.
Part of the responsibilities of the system are: MakeReservation, SearchReservation, CancelReservation, AddCustomer, AddStaf, MakeSuite. Indicate what operations you need to implement these responsibilities and how to distribute this operations to the classes (Note that one responsibility may needs several operations)

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