Name: Joseph Carr MRN: 210735 Gender: Male D.O.B: 27 September 1992 Allergies: Penicillin Marital Status: Single Admitting Doctor: Lucas Smith Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Yes SITUATION: Joseph, a 30-year-old man, was brought into the emergency department by police aEer displaying aggression in a local bar. He assaulted one of the bar patrons for “annoying him” and told the police he was friends with the chief of police and would get the officers fired. Joseph works as an accountant. He has a long history of success, including graduaNng from a presNgious university with disNncNon, making a large income, and having many friends and connecNons. He is gregarious and always seems to be the centre of aPenNon wherever he is. He recently joined as a senior accountant in one of the biggest accounNng firms and is anxious to make a strong impression on his boss. His new posiNon is more stressful than his previous job. He has been sleeping 2 to 3 hours a night and coming to the office at 05:00 am to keep up with the workload. He drinks heavily at night to try to sleep and uses sNmulants in the morning to keep going. Erica (Joseph's partner) reported that she had noted changes in Joseph’s behaviour over the past two weeks, including being more talkaNve than usual, increasing irritability and demands, and oEen changing from charming to angry at the slightest frustraNon. Joseph usually presents himself well with luxury items. However, he has been shopping more than he used to. He jusNfied it by saying he must present “expensive” to his clients. More recently, his secretary reported him to his supervisors for inappropriate sexual advances and “exposing” himself. When he is brought into the office to discuss the allegaNons, he explodes and storms out of the office. Erica is concerned that Joseph is not taking his regular medicaNon. His clinical files indicate that he had previous mental health admissions, with his index admission, when he was 18. Joseph is diagnosed with bipolar affecNve disorder. He has no other medical health condiNons on record. Joseph’s mother suffered from post-partum depression, while his paternal grandfather has schizophrenia. Joseph approached the nurse and demanded to be released. He stated he knew his rights and threatened to call his lawyer and the media if he did not discharge instantly. 2. How could you build rapport and a therapeutic relationship with the consumer?
Name: Joseph Carr MRN: 210735 Gender: Male D.O.B: 27 September 1992 Allergies: Penicillin Marital Status: Single Admitting Doctor: Lucas Smith Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander: Yes SITUATION: Joseph, a 30-year-old man, was brought into the emergency department by police aEer displaying aggression in a local bar. He assaulted one of the bar patrons for “annoying him” and told the police he was friends with the chief of police and would get the officers fired. Joseph works as an accountant. He has a long history of success, including graduaNng from a presNgious university with disNncNon, making a large income, and having many friends and connecNons. He is gregarious and always seems to be the centre of aPenNon wherever he is. He recently joined as a senior accountant in one of the biggest accounNng firms and is anxious to make a strong impression on his boss. His new posiNon is more stressful than his previous job. He has been sleeping 2 to 3 hours a night and coming to the office at 05:00 am to keep up with the workload. He drinks heavily at night to try to sleep and uses sNmulants in the morning to keep going. Erica (Joseph's partner) reported that she had noted changes in Joseph’s behaviour over the past two weeks, including being more talkaNve than usual, increasing irritability and demands, and oEen changing from charming to angry at the slightest frustraNon. Joseph usually presents himself well with luxury items. However, he has been shopping more than he used to. He jusNfied it by saying he must present “expensive” to his clients. More recently, his secretary reported him to his supervisors for inappropriate sexual advances and “exposing” himself. When he is brought into the office to discuss the allegaNons, he explodes and storms out of the office. Erica is concerned that Joseph is not taking his regular medicaNon. His clinical files indicate that he had previous mental health admissions, with his index admission, when he was 18. Joseph is diagnosed with bipolar affecNve disorder. He has no other medical health condiNons on record. Joseph’s mother suffered from post-partum depression, while his paternal grandfather has schizophrenia. Joseph approached the nurse and demanded to be released. He stated he knew his rights and threatened to call his lawyer and the media if he did not discharge instantly.
2. How could you build rapport and a therapeutic relationship with the consumer?

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