mplement a function readEmpFromFile that takes a FILE * as the only argument and returns a pointer to a struct employee. This function should read the information from the file reversing what writeEmpToFile does), create a new employee and fill in the data. If the FILE has no more info (is at end of file), this function should return NULL. This function must also ensure any employee actually created (not the NULL) is added to the array (as is done in createEmployee). Change main to load employees from a file if a command line argument is given to the program (using your readEmpFromFile function you just wrote).
If you needed a more exact question I really need help with finishing and properly implementing my function for readEmpFromFile and then Adding a load commands that allows me to implement it
I have started working on this code below is what I've done so far as well as the code I think you'll need to go to look at for a reference please help me I've been trying to work on this for literally five days What I'm trying to do is in the image
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define EMPS_SIZE 20
#define SSN_SIZE 9
#define MAX_EMPS 19
typedef struct {
int salary;
int yearBorn;
char ssn[SSN_SIZE];
char * name;
Employee * emps[EMPS_SIZE];
int totalEmps = 0;
void createEmployee(void) {
if (totalEmps <= MAX_EMPS) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= MAX_EMPS; ++i) {
if (emps[i] == NULL) {
Employee * newEmployee = (Employee * ) malloc(sizeof(Employee));
emps[i] = newEmployee;
} else {
printf("You cannot hire anymore employees\n\n");
void main(void) {
int end = 1;
char * command;
char buff[256];
char * findEmp;
char findBuff[256];
char * sortType;
char sortBuff[256];
char hire[] = "HIRE";
char list[] = "LIST";
char quit[] = "QUIT";
char find[] = "FIND";
char fire[] = "FIRE";
char _sort[] = "SORT";
char salary[] = "SALARY";
char name[] = "NAME";
char save[] = "SAVE";
printf("Welcome to the Employee Manager dashboard!\n");
while (end) {
printf("Would you like to HIRE, LIST, FIND, FIRE, SORT,SAVE or QUIT?\n\n");
scanf("%s", buff);
command = malloc(strlen(buff + 1));
strcpy(command, buff);
printf("You entered the command: %s\n\n", command);
if (!strcmp(command, hire)) {
} else if (!strcmp(command, list)) {
} else if (!strcmp(command, find)) {
printf("Enter an employee name, to find if they are a current employee:\n\n");
scanf("%s", findBuff);
findEmp = malloc(strlen(findBuff + 1));
strcpy(findEmp, findBuff);
} else if (!strcmp(command, fire)) {
printf("Enter an employee name, to fire\n\n");
scanf("%s", findBuff);
findEmp = malloc(strlen(findBuff + 1));
strcpy(findEmp, findBuff);
} else if (!strcmp(command, _sort)) {
printf("Would you like to sort by SALARY or NAME?\n\n");
scanf("%s", sortBuff);
sortType = malloc(strlen(sortBuff + 1));
strcpy(sortType, sortBuff);
if (!strcmp(sortType, name)) {
printf("sorting by name\n\n");
sort(emps, EMPS_SIZE, nameComp);
} else if (!strcmp(sortType, salary)) {
printf("sorting by salary\n\n");
sort(emps, EMPS_SIZE, salaryComp);
} else {
printf("Improper sort type entered, exiting to main menu\n\n");
} else if (!strcmp(command, save)) {
printf("Enter file name:\n\n");
char filename[15];
scanf("%s", filename);
FILE *f;
f = fopen(filename,"wb");
} else if (!strcmp(command, quit)) {
printf("Quitting the managers dashboard!\n\n");
end = 0;
} else {
printf("Please enter a proper command\n\n");
void writeEmpToFile(Employee *emp, FILE *f) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_EMPS; i++) {
if (emps[i] != NULL) {
fwrite(&emps[i]->salary, sizeof(emps[i]->salary), 1, f);
fwrite(&emps[i]->yearBorn, sizeof(emps[i]->yearBorn), 1, f);
fwrite(& emps[i]->ssn, sizeof(char), SSN_SIZE, f);
int len = strlen(emps[i]->name) + 1;
fwrite(&len, sizeof(int), 1, f);
fwrite(&emps[i]->name, sizeof(emps[i]->name), len, f);
printf("Data written succesfully\n");
printf("Error while opening file\n");
void readEmpFromFile ()
FILE* ptr;
char ch;
ptr = fopen("TEST.dat", "r");
if (NULL == ptr) {
printf("file can not open!!!! \n");
printf("File contents here:\n");
do {
ch = fgetc(ptr);
printf("%c", ch);
} while (ch != EOF);
return 0;
Step by step
Solved in 2 steps