"Money is not real. It is a conscious agreement on measuring value." -- John Ralston Saul Do you agree or disagree with the statement by JR Saul? Post your thoughts.
"Money is not real. It is a conscious agreement on measuring value." -- John Ralston Saul Do you agree or disagree with the statement by JR Saul? Post your thoughts.
2. an Internet search of the famous words "irrational exuberance" and read a few articles. Post links to the articles and provide additional input. Here are a couple of questions to guide the discussion: What do you think Greenspan meant by the term "irrational exuberance"? Are/were the markets irrational?
In the mid-1970s and early 1980s, why was the bank not able to meet its target inflation rate of 2%? What is the "too big to fail" issue? Why do you think Canada has been able to weather the economic storms better than the United States? Why was the Financial Stability Board established? Was it really necessary? Does Mark Carney address those arguments that would refute the use of interest rate targeting as an effective monetary policy?

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