Mental Health Care delivery system in the Philippines is still not as competitive as with the well-developed countries. Problems such as drug-related crimes, discrimination of people living with mental disabilities, abuse & neglect of mentally-ill individuals, and suicides are all attributed to poor mental health management. To strengthen the mental health delivery system, Republic Act No. 11036 was enacted. However, five-years after the law was approved the same problem persisted. This activity aims to broaden your perspective on the Mental Health service delivery in the country. Read and understand the Republic Act No. 11036 and its implementing rules and regulations. What are the specific guidelines of the law that you think will be beneficial and will greatly improve the status of health care delivery in the country?
Mental Health Care delivery system in the Philippines is still not as competitive as with the well-developed countries. Problems such as drug-related crimes, discrimination of people living with mental disabilities, abuse & neglect of mentally-ill individuals, and suicides are all attributed to poor mental health management. To strengthen the mental health delivery system, Republic Act No. 11036 was enacted. However, five-years after the law was approved the same problem persisted. This activity aims to broaden your perspective on the Mental Health service delivery in the country. Read and understand the Republic Act No. 11036 and its implementing rules and regulations. What are the specific guidelines of the law that you think will be beneficial and will greatly improve the status of health care delivery in the country?
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Mental Health Care delivery system in the Philippines is still not as competitive as with the well-developed countries. Problems such as drug-related crimes, discrimination of people living with mental disabilities, abuse & neglect of mentally-ill individuals, and suicides are all attributed to poor mental health management. To strengthen the mental health delivery system, Republic Act No. 11036 was enacted. However, five-years after the law was approved the same problem persisted. This activity aims to broaden your perspective on the Mental Health service delivery in the country.
Read and understand the Republic Act No. 11036 and its implementing rules and regulations.
- What are the specific guidelines of the law that you think will be beneficial and will greatly improve the status of health care delivery in the country?
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