lease help me do M9. I am using python. Currently, this is my code. How can I use the month name as my entry?
Please help me do M9. I am using python. Currently, this is my code. How can I use the month name as my entry?
# Calendar Month Program
# init
terminate = False
# program greeting
print('This program will display a calendar month betwee 1800 and 2099')
while not terminate:
# get the month and year
month = int(input('Enter month 1-12 (-1 to quit): '))
if month == -1:
terminate = True
while month < 1 or month > 12:
month = int(input('INVALID - Enter month (1-12): '))
year = int(input('Enter year (yyyy): '))
while year < 1800 or year > 2099:
year = int(input('INVALID -Enter year (1800-2099): '))
leapYear = ""
# determine if leap year
if (year % 4 == 0) and (not(year % 100 == 0)) or (year % 400 == 0):
leap_year = True
leapYear = "(leap year)"
leap_year = False
# determine the number of days in a month
if month in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12):
num_days_in_month = 31
elif month in (4,6,9,11):
num_days_in_month = 30
elif leap_year: #February
num_days_in_month = 29
num_days_in_month = 28
# determine the day of the week
century_digits = year // 100
year_digits = year % 100
value = year_digits + (year_digits // 4)
if century_digits == 18:
value = value + 2
elif century_digits == 20:
value = value + 6
if month == 1 and not leap_year:
value = value + 1
elif month == 2:
if leap_year:
value = value + 3
value = value + 4
elif month == 3 or month == 11:
value = value + 4
elif month == 5:
value = value + 2
elif month == 6:
value = value + 5
elif month == 8:
value = value + 3
elif month == 9 or month == 12:
value = value + 6
elif month == 10:
value = value + 1
day_of_week = (value + 1) % 7 #1-Sun, 2-Mon,...,0-Sat
# determine month name
if month == 1:
month_name = 'January'
elif month == 2:
month_name = 'February'
elif month == 3:
month_name = 'March'
elif month == 4:
month_name = 'April'
elif month == 5:
month_name = 'May'
elif month == 6:
month_name = 'June'
elif month == 7:
month_name = 'July'
elif month == 8:
month_name = 'August'
elif month == 9:
month_name = 'September'
elif month == 10:
month_name = 'October'
elif month == 11:
month_name = 'November'
month_name ='December'
# display month and year heading
print('\n', ' ' + month_name, year, leapYear)
print(' ','Su ', 'Mo ', 'Tu ', 'We ', 'Th ', 'Fr ', 'Sa ')
# display rows of dates
if day_of_week == 0:
starting_col = 7
starting_col = day_of_week
current_col = 1
column_width = 4
blank_char = ' '
blank_column = format(blank_char, str(column_width))
while current_col < starting_col:
print(blank_column, end='')
current_col = current_col + 1
current_day = 1
while current_day <= num_days_in_month:
if current_day < 10:
print(format(blank_char, '3') + str(current_day), end='')
print(format(blank_char, '2') + str(current_day), end='')
if current_col < 7:
current_col = current_col + 1
current_col = 1
print ()
current_day = current_day + 1
print ('\n')
Step by step
Solved in 2 steps