JAVA PROGRAMMING PLEASE TYPE ONLY*** PANTHER NUMBER: 1462 **** program, In main method: • Print out your first name, last name and last 4 digits of panther number(1462) • Create 2-D array, say m: Assuming the last digit of your panther number is N, set N+6, as the row size of array m Ask the user to input column size for array m from the keyboard (use scanner) Fill all array elements as double numbers in the range of (6.0 , 16.0) by using of Random object • Create another 2-D array, say double[][]mc={{1,1,1},{2,0,1},{3,6,3}}; • Pass the above array m and mc, to call the following two methods MinCol(m); MinCol(mc); System.out.println ("the average of array m is: " + returnLast2RowAvg(m)); System.out.println ("the average of array mc is: " + returnLast2RowAvg(mc)); • Print out the largest column sum, and the average of last 2 rows of array m and mc • In MinCol(double[][] array) method, find and print the smallest column sum in the array • In returnLast2RowAvg (double[][] array) method, find the average of the elements in last 2 rows in the array and return this average value
In main method:
• Print out your first name, last name and last 4 digits of panther number(1462)
• Create 2-D array, say m:
Assuming the last digit of your panther number is N, set N+6, as the row size of array m
Ask the user to input column size for array m from the keyboard (use scanner)
Fill all array elements as double numbers in the range of (6.0 , 16.0) by using of Random object
• Create another 2-D array, say double[][]mc={{1,1,1},{2,0,1},{3,6,3}};
• Pass the above array m and mc, to call the following two methods
System.out.println ("the average of array m is: " + returnLast2RowAvg(m));
System.out.println ("the average of array mc is: " + returnLast2RowAvg(mc));
• Print out the largest column sum, and the average of last 2 rows of array m and mc
• In MinCol(double[][] array) method, find and print the smallest column sum in the array
• In returnLast2RowAvg (double[][] array) method, find the average of the elements in last 2 rows in the array and return this average value

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