Jamie, age 24, is hospitalized after an abrupt onset of psychosis and is diagnosed with schizophrenia. Jamie is recently divorced and works as a legal secretary.Her work had become erratic, and hersuspiciousness was upsetting colleagues.Jamie isbeingdischargedintwodaystohermother’s care until she is able to resume her job. Jamie’s mother is overwhelmed and asks how she is going to cope: “I can hardly talk to Jamie without upsettingher.She isstillmadatmebecause I called911andhadher admitted. She says there is nothing wrong with her, and I’m worried she’ll stop her medication once she is home.What am I going to do?” a. Explain Jamie’s behavior and symptoms to a classmate as you would to Jamie’s mother. b. How would you respond to the mother’s immediate concerns? c. What priority concerns should the nurse address before discharge? d. Identify interventions that are consistent with the Recovery Model. e. What community resources can help support this family? Describe how each could be helpful. f. What do you think of the prognosis for Jamie? Support your position with data regarding Jamie’s diagnosis and the treatment you have planned. please solve all parts
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Jamie, age 24, is hospitalized after an abrupt onset of psychosis and is diagnosed with schizophrenia. Jamie is recently divorced and works as a legal secretary.Her work had become erratic, and hersuspiciousness was upsetting colleagues.Jamie isbeingdischargedintwodaystohermother’s care until she is able to resume her job. Jamie’s mother is overwhelmed and asks how she is going to cope: “I can hardly talk to Jamie without upsettingher.She isstillmadatmebecause I called911andhadher admitted. She says there is nothing wrong with her, and I’m worried she’ll stop her medication once she is home.What am I going to do?” a. Explain Jamie’s behavior and symptoms to a classmate as you would to Jamie’s mother. b. How would you respond to the mother’s immediate concerns? c. What priority concerns should the nurse address before discharge? d. Identify interventions that are consistent with the Recovery Model. e. What community resources can help support this family? Describe how each could be helpful. f. What do you think of the prognosis for Jamie? Support your position with data regarding Jamie’s diagnosis and the treatment you have planned.
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