In C++
Can you help me with this
In C++
The room contains n*n cubes (in rows and columns). Each cube is white or black. You can get out of a white cube by going in one of the four directions horizontally or vertically (but you can't go beyond the scope of the room). You can get out in a black cube, but you can't get out of it. There is a mouse and a piece of cheese in the room. The mouse is in a cube (0,0) - white, and the cheese in a cube (n-1, n-1) - black. The mouse can move from cube to cube according to the rules described above.
Write a program that finds all the paths that can be moved to the cheese with the mouse and if it appears, display it with ‘*’.
An example diagram of the task is shown in the figure:
Operating instructions: Compose a recursive function path (int i, int j), receiving as parameters the coordinates of the current position of the mouse (initially 0.0, and then run with parameters (i-1, j), (i + 1, j), ( i, j-1) or (i, j + 1)).

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps