In C++
In C++
For this assignment, you will create a system for users to review restaurants. To review a restaurant, the user needs to login to the system first. Create a file (you can do this by hand rather than through code) named 'users.txt' and add the following information to it:
User1 password steve mypassword reviewer 54321
Each line represents a user. The first word is their username and the second is their password.
At the start of your main function, call a function named login, which asks for a username and password. If you find a matching username/password pair in 'users.txt', return the username. Otherwise, ask the user to try again.
Back in main, assign the value returned from login to a variable. This will allow you to know which user is currently logged in. Next, build a while loop menu with the following options:
•Review a restaurant. Call a function named reviewRestaurant. Ask what restaurant the user wants to review and how many stars to give it. The star amount must be between 0 and 5 stars, and you may assume the user will only enter one-word restaurant names. Append the review to reviews.txt in the following way:
UserName Restaurant StarRating
For example, if User1 is logged in and they review McDonald's with 3 stars, append the following
User1 McDonald's 3
Note: write a helper function named alreadyReviewed. It returns true if the logged in user has already reviewed the given restaurant. If they have, do not append the new review to the file.
⚫ See all reviews from all users in the system for all restaurants. Call a function named seeReviews which loads the data from reviews.txt and prints them to the console. Label each piece of information, i.e.:
Restaurant: McDonald's
User: User1
Rating: 3
⚫ Find the average score for a restaurant. Call a function named seeAverage. In this function, ask the user which restaurant they want to see the average rating for. Calculate the restaurant's average star rating from all users if it has one or more reviews or tell the user there are no reviews for it otherwise.
• Quit the program.

Step by step
Solved in 4 steps with 4 images