If the input is: Tire shine Wax the output is: ZyCar Wash Base car wash -- $10 Tire shine -- $2 Wax- $3 ‒‒‒‒ Total price: $15 If the input is: Rain repellent the output is: ZyCar Wash Base car wash Rain repellent ---- Total price: $12 1 def...(): BA 2 -- Troubleshooting • If you are getting a keyError, you might be trying to retrieve a cost for the service that was not selected and was marked with a -. Revise your if/elif statements to change when/how you are retrieving the values from the dictionary. 414136.2652726.qxzqy7 3 4 if -- LAB ACTIVITY 3.21.1: LAB: Car Wash 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 $10 $2 main.py service choice1=input() service_choice2=input() _name_ __main_": services = {'Air freshener': 1, 'Rain repellent': 2, 'Tire shine': 2, 'wax': 3, 'Vacuum' : 5 } base_wash= total e 0/14 Load default template...
Addition of Two Numbers
Adding two numbers in programming is essentially the same as adding two numbers in general arithmetic. A significant difference is that in programming, you need to pay attention to the data type of the variable that will hold the sum of two numbers.
C++ is a general-purpose hybrid language, which supports both OOPs and procedural language designed and developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. It began in 1979 as “C with Classes” at Bell Labs and first appeared in the year 1985 as C++. It is the superset of C programming language, because it uses most of the C code syntax. Due to its hybrid functionality, it used to develop embedded systems, operating systems, web browser, GUI and video games.

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