Read the passage and answer the question: Every year, nearly 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into the oceans and with that status quo it has been estimated that there will be more plastic than fish by 2050. It is worthy to mention that in 2002 some of the countries in the world to ban thinner plastic bags. However, it appears that the ban has not truly come into force. The indiscriminate use of plastic has an adverse effect on human health. In recent study, scientists found microplastics in 114 marine species, the majority of which ultimately become subject to human consumption. According to a study of the World Health Organization (WHO), it finds the existence of microplastic in 90% of water bottles which has been tested. The consumption of microplastic will cause respiratory diseases, and regulate the heart rate, digestion, fertility as well. Question: How would Ethical egoism, Duty Ethics and Rule Utilitarianism respond to the use of polythene bags which, in one hand, is found cheaper and easier than the use of other alternatives, on the other hand, is resulting in devastating effects on ecological health as well as human health?
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Read the passage and answer the question:
Every year, nearly 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into the oceans and with that status quo it has been estimated that there will be more plastic than fish by 2050. It is worthy to mention that in 2002 some of the countries in the world to ban thinner plastic bags. However, it appears that the ban has not truly come into force. The indiscriminate use of plastic has an adverse effect on human health. In recent study, scientists found microplastics in 114 marine species, the majority of which ultimately become subject to human consumption. According to a study of the World Health Organization (WHO), it finds the existence of microplastic in 90% of water bottles which has been tested. The consumption of microplastic will cause respiratory diseases, and regulate the heart rate, digestion, fertility as well.
Question: How would Ethical egoism, Duty Ethics and Rule Utilitarianism respond to the use of polythene bags which, in one hand, is found cheaper and easier than the use of other alternatives, on the other hand, is resulting in devastating effects on ecological health as well as human health?