Identify the following parts of a common grocery store transaction as data, information, or knowledge. 1. An item's UPC number 2. Change back to customer 3. General changes to demand in different seasons 4. Cost each 5. Quantity purchased 6. Non-taxable total 7. Extended cost (quantity times cost each) 8. Amount tendered 9. Sales of an item for the last week 10. Upcoming holidays and customer’s special needs 11. How paid (cash, charge card, debit card) 12. Shopper loyalty card number 13. Taxable total

Related questions

Identify the following parts of a common grocery store transaction as data, information, or knowledge.

1. An item's UPC number

2. Change back to customer

3. General changes to demand in different seasons

4. Cost each

5. Quantity purchased

6. Non-taxable total

7. Extended cost (quantity times cost each)

8. Amount tendered

9. Sales of an item for the last week

10. Upcoming holidays and customer’s special needs

11. How paid (cash, charge card, debit card)

12. Shopper loyalty card number

13. Taxable total

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