How was lamark both correct AND incorrect about evolution?

-Jean baptist de Lamarck or Lamarck is the renowned biologist and he is known for his most famous theory of inheritance of acquired characters.
-Lamarck had proposed a theory on evolution which is known as "lamarckism".
-Lamarckism was proposed in the year 1744-1829.
-The theory of Lamarckism states that physical changes that occur in organisms throughout their lifetimes(greater use of organs leads to greater development of organs) is inherited to their offsprings.
-As the whole theory of lamarck focuses on the transmission or inheritance of the acquired characters to the offsprings, hence lamarckism is also known as the " theory of inheritance of acquired characters "
-The theory of Lamarckism consists of the following postulates;
1 Effects of environment (The environment changes regularly and this changing environment induces the organisms to adapt accordingly)
2 Effects of use and disuse of organs (According to the changing environment some organs would be rapidly used and some would not be functional, and would degenerate).
3 Inheritance of acquired characters ( all the changes that occur in organisms throughout their life time is preserved and is transmitted to the offsprings)
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