*How to compare the output waveform produced by both structural and behavioural models *how to explain the waveform of both structural and behavioural models related to the coding *how to explain both structural and behavioural models coding execute and work (add some comments) Structural Module Model: structural module code: module adder1(A,B,Cin,Sum,Cout); input [3:0] A, B; input Cin; output [3:0] Sum; output Cout; wire C0, C1, C2; fulladder M1(A[0], B[0], Cin, Sum[0], C0); fulladder M2(A[1], B[1], C0, Sum[1], C1); fulladder M3(A[2], B[2], C1, Sum[2], C2); fulladder M4(A[3], B[3], C2, Sum[3], Cout); endmodule module fulladder (A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout); input A, B, Cin; output Sum, Cout; wire n1, n2 ,x1; xor u1 (x1, A, B); xor u2 (Sum, x1, Cin); and u3(n1, Cin, x1); and u4(n2, A, B); or u5(Cout, n1, n2); endmodule Testbench code for structural module code: module adder1_tb(); timeunit 1us; timeprecision 100ns; reg[3:0] A, B; reg Cin; reg[3:0] Sum; reg Cout; adder1 u1(A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout); initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, adder1_tb.u1); A=4'b1010; B=4'b0101; Cin=0; #10 A=4'b0011; B=4'b1101; Cin=1; #10 A=4'b1111; B=4'b1111; Cin =0; #10 $finish; end endmodule behavioural module code: module adder2(A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout); input [3:0] A, B; input Cin; output [3:0] Sum; output Cout; assign {Cout, Sum} = A + B + {3'b0, Cin}; endmodule Testbench for behavioural module code: module adder2_tb(); timeunit 1us; timeprecision 100ns; reg [3:0] A, B; reg Cin; reg [3:0] Sum; reg Cout; adder2 u1(A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout); initial begin $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); //To save the waveforms $dumpvars(0, adder2_tb.u1); //To save the waveforms A=4'b1010; B=4'b0101; Cin=0; #10 A=4'b0011; B=4'b1101; Cin=1; #10 A=4'b1111; B=4'b1111; Cin=0; #10 $finish; end endmodule
*How to compare the output waveform produced by both structural and behavioural models
*how to explain the waveform of both structural and behavioural models related to the coding
*how to explain both structural and behavioural models coding execute and work (add some comments)
Structural Module Model:
structural module code:
module adder1(A,B,Cin,Sum,Cout);
input [3:0] A, B;
input Cin;
output [3:0] Sum;
output Cout;
wire C0, C1, C2;
fulladder M1(A[0], B[0], Cin, Sum[0], C0);
fulladder M2(A[1], B[1], C0, Sum[1], C1);
fulladder M3(A[2], B[2], C1, Sum[2], C2);
fulladder M4(A[3], B[3], C2, Sum[3], Cout);
module fulladder (A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout);
input A, B, Cin;
output Sum, Cout;
wire n1, n2 ,x1;
xor u1 (x1, A, B);
xor u2 (Sum, x1, Cin);
and u3(n1, Cin, x1);
and u4(n2, A, B);
or u5(Cout, n1, n2);
Testbench code for structural module code:
module adder1_tb();
timeunit 1us;
timeprecision 100ns;
reg[3:0] A, B;
reg Cin;
reg[3:0] Sum;
reg Cout;
adder1 u1(A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout);
$dumpvars(0, adder1_tb.u1);
A=4'b1010; B=4'b0101; Cin=0;
#10 A=4'b0011; B=4'b1101; Cin=1;
#10 A=4'b1111; B=4'b1111; Cin =0;
#10 $finish;
behavioural module code:
module adder2(A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout);
input [3:0] A, B;
input Cin;
output [3:0] Sum;
output Cout;
assign {Cout, Sum} = A + B + {3'b0, Cin};
Testbench for behavioural module code:
module adder2_tb();
timeunit 1us;
timeprecision 100ns;
reg [3:0] A, B;
reg Cin;
reg [3:0] Sum;
reg Cout;
adder2 u1(A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout);
$dumpfile("dump.vcd"); //To save the waveforms
$dumpvars(0, adder2_tb.u1); //To save the waveforms
A=4'b1010; B=4'b0101; Cin=0;
#10 A=4'b0011; B=4'b1101; Cin=1;
#10 A=4'b1111; B=4'b1111; Cin=0;
#10 $finish;

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