Honey bees are visiting two food sites, A and B, at 6 AM in the morning, as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Bees at site A are collecting pollen; those at site B are collecting nectar. When bees from site A return to the nest, they must find a cell in the wax combs and store the pollen (Fig. 3). Bees from site B pass their nectar to young Receiver Bees when they return to the nest (Fig. 4). 7. True or False: Foragers for both sites A and B learn floral color during the 2-3 seconds before they land on the flower, they learn floral order while on the flower, and they learn landmarks while hovering above the flower before flying back to the nest. 8. True or Flase: Site B is closer to the nest than Site A and thus the bees visiting site B are the foragers expressing the forS allele, whereas those visiting site A are the foragers expressing the forR allele. 9. True or False: The duration of the waggle runs for site B will always be longer than those for site A, regardless of the time of the day waggle dances are performed.
Honey bees are visiting two food sites, A and B, at 6 AM in the morning, as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Bees at site A are collecting pollen; those at site B are collecting nectar. When bees from site A return to the nest, they must find a cell in the wax combs and store the pollen (Fig. 3). Bees from site B pass their nectar to young Receiver Bees when they return to the nest (Fig. 4).
7. True or False: Foragers for both sites A and B learn floral color during the 2-3 seconds before they land on the flower, they learn floral order while on the flower, and they learn landmarks while hovering above the flower before flying back to the nest.
8. True or Flase: Site B is closer to the nest than Site A and thus the bees visiting site B are the foragers expressing the forS allele, whereas those visiting site A are the foragers expressing the forR allele.
9. True or False: The duration of the waggle runs for site B will always be longer than those for site A, regardless of the time of the day waggle dances are performed.

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