Honey bees are visiting two food sites, A and B, at 6 AM in the morning, as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Bees at site A are collecting pollen; those at site B are collecting nectar. When bees from site A return to the nest, they must find a cell in the wax combs and store the pollen (Fig. 3). Bees from site B pass their nectar to young Receiver Bees when they return to the nest (Fig. 4). 1. True or False: At 6 AM, foragers for site A would orient their waggle runs 40 degrees to the left of vertical on the combs. 2. Ture or False: At 6 AM, foragers for site B would orient their waggle runs 105 degrees to the right of vertical. 3. True or Flase: If foragers are still visiting site A at 10 AM, their waggle runs would be oriented 100 degrees to the left of vertical.
Honey bees are visiting two food sites, A and B, at 6 AM in the morning, as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Bees at site A are collecting pollen; those at site B are collecting nectar. When bees from site A return to the nest, they must find a cell in the wax combs and store the pollen (Fig. 3). Bees from site B pass their nectar to young Receiver Bees when they return to the nest (Fig. 4).
1. True or False: At 6 AM, foragers for site A would orient their waggle runs 40 degrees to the left of vertical on the combs.
2. Ture or False: At 6 AM, foragers for site B would orient their waggle runs 105 degrees to the right of vertical.
3. True or Flase: If foragers are still visiting site A at 10 AM, their waggle runs would be oriented 100 degrees to the left of vertical.

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