How to add insertion sort in this program? So that in every display, the books will be sorted according to its title.
#Library Management System
#Importing Libraries
import datetime
import os
class LMS:
""" This class is used to keep record of books library
It has total four module: "Display book, "Issue Books", "Return Books", "Add Books" """
def __init__(self, list_of_books, library_name):
self.list_of_books = "list_of_books.txt"
self.library_name = library_name
self.books_dict = {} #This dictionary will contain books title, lender name, issue date, and book status
Id = 101 #Starting ID
#read the text file
with open (self.list_of_books) as bk:
content = bk.readlines()
for line in content:
self.books_dict.update({str(Id):{ #Updating Dictionary
"books_title":line.replace("\n", ""),
"lender_name": "",
"issue_date": "",
Id = Id + 1
def display_books(self):
print("------------------------List of Books---------------------")
print("Books ID", "\t", "Title")
for key, value in self.books_dict.items():
print(key, "\t\t", value.get("books_title"), "- [", value.get("Status"),"]")
def Issue_books(self):
books_id = input ("Enter the book's ID: ")
current_date = ("%Y-%m_%d %H:%M:%S")
if books_id in self.books_dict.keys():
if not self.books_dict[books_id]["Status"] == "Available":
print(f"This book is already issued to {self.books_dict[books_id]['lender_name']} \
on {self.books_dict[books_id]['issue_date']}")
return self.Issue_books()
elif self.books_dict[books_id]['Status'] == "Available":
name = input ("Enter your name: ")
self.books_dict[books_id]['lender_name'] = name
self.books_dict[books_id]['issue_date'] = current_date
self.books_dict[books_id]['Status'] = "Already Issued"
print ("Books Issued Successfully! \n")
print("Book ID not found!")
return self.Issue_books()
def add_books(self):
new_books = input("Enter the title of the book: ")
if new_books == "":
return self.add_books()
elif len(new_books) > 25:
print("The book's title is too long! Title length should be 20 chars")
return self.add_books()
with open(self.list_of_books, "a") as bk:
print (f"This books '{new_books}' has been added successfully!")
def return_books(self):
books_id = input ("Enter the book's ID: ")
if books_id in self.books_dict.keys():
if self.books_dict[books_id]["Status"] == "Available":
print("This book is already available in library. Please check your book ID.")
return self.return_books()
elif not self.books_dict[books_id]["Status"] == "Available":
self.books_dict[books_id]['lender_name'] = ""
self.books_dict[books_id]['Issue_date'] = ""
self.books_dict[books_id]['Status'] = "Available"
print("Successfully Returned")
print("Book ID is not found")
myLMS = LMS("list_of_books.txt", "Python's")
press_key_dict = {"D": "Display Books",
"I":"Issue Books",
"A": "Add Books",
"R": "Return Books",
"Q": "Quit"}
key_press = False
while not (key_press == "q"):
print(f"\n----------Welcome To {myLMS.library_name}'s Library Management System---------\n")
for key, value in press_key_dict.items():
print("Press", key, "To", value)
key_press = input ("Press key: ").lower()
if key_press == "i":
print("\nCurrent Selection: Issue Books\n")
elif key_press == 'd':
print("\nCurrent Selection: Display Books\n")
elif key_press == 'a':
print("\nCurrent Selection: Add Books\n")
elif key_press == 'r':
print("\nCurrent Selection: Return Books\n")
elif key_press == 'q':
except Exception as e:
print("Something went wrong. Please check your input")