Hearing Fitting someone fora hearing aid requiresassessing the patient’shearing ability. In onemethod of assessment, thepatient listens to a tape of 50English words. The tape isplayed at low volume, andthe patient is asked to repeatthe words. The patient’shearing ability score is thenumber of words perceivedcorrectly. Four tapes ofequivalent difficulty areavailable so that each ear canbe tested with more than onehearing aid. These lists werecreated to be equally difficultto perceive in silence, buthearing aids must work inthe presence of backgroundnoise. Researchers had 24subjects with normal hearingcompare two of the tapeswhen a background noisewas present, with the orderof the tapes randomized. Is itreasonable to assume that the two lists are still equivalentfor purposes of the hearing test when there is backgroundnoise? Base your decision on a confidence interval forthe mean difference in the number of words people mightmisunderstand. (Faith Loven, A Study of the InterlistEquivalency of the CID W-22 Word List Presented inQuiet and in Noise. University of Iowa [1981]) Subject List A List B1 24 262 32 243 20 224 14 185 32 246 22 307 20 228 26 289 26 3010 38 1611 30 1812 16 3413 36 3214 32 3415 38 3216 14 1817 26 2018 14 2019 38 4020 20 2621 14 1422 18 1423 22 3024 34 42
Hearing Fitting someone for
a hearing aid requires
assessing the patient’s
hearing ability. In one
method of assessment, the
patient listens to a tape of 50
English words. The tape is
played at low volume, and
the patient is asked to repeat
the words. The patient’s
hearing ability score is the
number of words perceived
correctly. Four tapes of
equivalent difficulty are
available so that each ear can
be tested with more than one
hearing aid. These lists were
created to be equally difficult
to perceive in silence, but
hearing aids must work in
the presence of background
noise. Researchers had 24
subjects with normal hearing
compare two of the tapes
when a background noise
was present, with the order
of the tapes randomized. Is itreasonable to assume that the two lists are still equivalent
for purposes of the hearing test when there is background
noise? Base your decision on a confidence interval for
misunderstand. (Faith Loven, A Study of the Interlist
Equivalency of the CID W-22 Word List Presented in
Quiet and in Noise. University of Iowa [1981])
Subject List A List B
1 24 26
2 32 24
3 20 22
4 14 18
5 32 24
6 22 30
7 20 22
8 26 28
9 26 30
10 38 16
11 30 18
12 16 34
13 36 32
14 32 34
15 38 32
16 14 18
17 26 20
18 14 20
19 38 40
20 20 26
21 14 14
22 18 14
23 22 30
24 34 42

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