Given the below three scenarios, you’re required to create one Test Suite containing 3 Test cases and one separate test case for each scenario, where you should add the suitable test scripts that can confirm the success of these scenarios using Robot Framework. Deliverables One folder containing one TestSuite.robot file. Scenario 1: Verify user can search for a movie on the IMDb homepage ● Given that the user is on the IMDb homepage "" ● When the user enters a search query "The Shawshank Redemption" (or any other movie name) in the search bar. ● And clicks the search button ● Then the search results page should display movies related to the search query. ● And the first search result should be "The Shawshank Redemption" movie i.e. the name written in the search query. Scenario 2: Verify user can access the top-rated movies section ● Given that the user is on the IMDb homepage "". ● When the user clicks on the "Top 250 Movies" link in the header. ● Then the user should be directed to the Top 250 Movies movies section page. ● And the page should display a list of the Top 250 Movies. ● And the first movie in the list should be "The Shawshank Redemption" Scenario3: Verify user can search for movies released in a specific year on IMDb ● Given that the user is on the IMDb homepage "" ● When the user clicks on the "Advanced Search" link in the search bar filter ● The user would then be redirected to a page containing “Advanced Title Search” link, which he should click. ● And selects "Feature Film" as title type ● And selects the “Action” genre from Genres. ● And enters a start year and end year in the "Release Date" fields (2010 - 2020). ● And clicks the "Search" button ● Then the search results page should display a list of Action movies released between 2010 and 2020, sorted by User Rating (Higher ratings appear first, i.e. descendingly).
Given the below three scenarios, you’re required to create one Test Suite containing 3 Test cases
and one separate test case for each scenario, where you should add the suitable test scripts that
can confirm the success of these scenarios using Robot Framework.
One folder containing one TestSuite.robot file.
Scenario 1: Verify user can search for a movie on the IMDb homepage
● Given that the user is on the IMDb homepage ""
● When the user enters a search query "The Shawshank Redemption" (or any other movie
name) in the search bar.
● And clicks the search button
● Then the search results page should display movies related to the search query.
● And the first search result should be "The Shawshank Redemption" movie i.e. the name
written in the search query.
Scenario 2: Verify user can access the top-rated movies section
● Given that the user is on the IMDb homepage "".
● When the user clicks on the "Top 250 Movies" link in the header.
● Then the user should be directed to the Top 250 Movies movies section page.
● And the page should display a list of the Top 250 Movies.
● And the first movie in the list should be "The Shawshank Redemption"
Scenario3: Verify user can search for movies released in a specific year on IMDb
● Given that the user is on the IMDb homepage ""
● When the user clicks on the "Advanced Search" link in the search bar filter
● The user would then be redirected to a page containing “Advanced Title Search” link,
which he should click.
● And selects "Feature Film" as title type
● And selects the “Action” genre from Genres.
● And enters a start year and end year in the "Release Date" fields (2010 - 2020).
● And clicks the "Search" button
● Then the search results page should display a list of Action movies released between
2010 and 2020, sorted by User Rating (Higher ratings appear first, i.e. descendingly).

Step by step
Solved in 7 steps