Given a weighted graph class and a PQInt class, please complete the implementation of the Dijkstras algorithm according to the instructions in the screenshot provided. Be done in python 3.10 or later, please class WeightedGraph(Graph) : """Weighted graph represented with adjacency lists.""" def __init__(self, v=10, edges=[], weights=[]) : """Initializes a weighted graph with a specified number of vertexes. Keyword arguments: v - number of vertexes edges - any iterable of ordered pairs indicating the edges weights - list of weights, same length as edges list """ super().__init__(v) for i, (u, v) in enumerate(edges): self.add_edge(u, v, weights[i]) def add_edge(self, a, b, w=1) : """Adds an edge to the graph. Keyword arguments: a - first end point b - second end point """ self._adj[a].add(b, w) self._adj[b].add(a, w) def get_edge_list(self, with_weights=False) : """Returns a list of the edges of the graph as a list of tuples. Default is of the form [ (a, b), (c, d), ... ] where a, b, c, d, etc are vertex ids. If with_weights is True, the generated list includes the weights in the following form [ ((a, b), w1), ((c, d), w2), ... ] where w1, w2, etc are the edge weights. Keyword arguments: with_weights -- True to include weights """ if not with_weights : return super().get_edge_list() else : return [ ((u,v),w) for u, uList in enumerate(self._adj) for v, w in uList.__iter__(True) if v > u] def mst_kruskal(self) : """Returns the set of edges in some minimum spanning tree (MST) of the graph, computed using Kruskal's algorithm. """ A = set() forest = DisjointIntegerSets(self.num_vertexes()) edges = self.get_edge_list(True) edges.sort(key=lambda x : x[1]) for (u,v), w in edges : if forest.findset(u) != forest.findset(v) : A.add((u,v)) forest.union(u,v) return A def mst_prim(self, r=0) : """Returns the set of edges in some minimum spanning tree (MST) of the graph, computed using Prim's algorithm. Keyword arguments: r - vertex id to designate as the root (default is 0). """ parent = [ None for x in range(self.num_vertexes())] Q = PQInts(self.num_vertexes()) Q.insert(r, 0) for u in range(self.num_vertexes()) : if u != r : Q.insert(u, math.inf) while not Q.is_empt
Given a weighted graph class and a PQInt class, please complete the implementation of the Dijkstras
class WeightedGraph(Graph) :
"""Weighted graph represented with adjacency lists."""
def __init__(self, v=10, edges=[], weights=[]) :
"""Initializes a weighted graph with a specified number of vertexes.
Keyword arguments:
v - number of vertexes
edges - any iterable of ordered pairs indicating the edges
weights - list of weights, same length as edges list
for i, (u, v) in enumerate(edges):
self.add_edge(u, v, weights[i])
def add_edge(self, a, b, w=1) :
"""Adds an edge to the graph.
Keyword arguments:
a - first end point
b - second end point
self._adj[a].add(b, w)
self._adj[b].add(a, w)
def get_edge_list(self, with_weights=False) :
"""Returns a list of the edges of the graph
as a list of tuples. Default is of the form
[ (a, b), (c, d), ... ] where a, b, c, d, etc are
vertex ids. If with_weights is True, the generated
list includes the weights in the following form
[ ((a, b), w1), ((c, d), w2), ... ] where w1, w2, etc
are the edge weights.
Keyword arguments:
with_weights -- True to include weights
if not with_weights :
return super().get_edge_list()
else :
return [ ((u,v),w) for u, uList in enumerate(self._adj) for v, w in uList.__iter__(True) if v > u]
def mst_kruskal(self) :
"""Returns the set of edges in some
minimum spanning tree (MST) of the graph,
computed using Kruskal's algorithm.
A = set()
forest = DisjointIntegerSets(self.num_vertexes())
edges = self.get_edge_list(True)
edges.sort(key=lambda x : x[1])
for (u,v), w in edges :
if forest.findset(u) != forest.findset(v) :
return A
def mst_prim(self, r=0) :
"""Returns the set of edges in some
minimum spanning tree (MST) of the graph,
computed using Prim's algorithm.
Keyword arguments:
r - vertex id to designate as the root (default is 0).
parent = [ None for x in range(self.num_vertexes())]
Q = PQInts(self.num_vertexes())
Q.insert(r, 0)
for u in range(self.num_vertexes()) :
if u != r :
Q.insert(u, math.inf)
while not Q.is_empty() :
u = Q.extract_min()
for v, w in self._adj[u].__iter__(True) :
if Q.contains(v) and w < Q.get_priority(v) :
parent[v] = u
Q.change_priority(v, w)
return { (u,v) for v, u in enumerate(parent) if u != None}
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