for frdm k64 in mcuexpresso ide The following is the required sequence of the system’s operations:1. When the program starts, the onboard GREEN LED is ON (“regular operation”), pin PTC16 is Low (“alarmsound is OFF”), and the initial message is shown on the console:MCO556_FinalProject_Lastname1_Lastname2Then, the program will run continuously three tasks – Software Timer ISR, Task1, and Task2. Each task willprint one message to the console, on a new line, exactly as shown below:Software Timer ISR – sensors are readTask1 – sensor data is processedTask2 – display is updated2. When button SW2 is pressed, the button’s ISR will do the following actions:a) it will stop the Software Timer and print the following message:SW2 ISR – EMERGENCY SYSTEM SHUTDOWN! b) it will cause Task3 to start running to continue processing the “emergency-related procedures”,c) Task3 will output the following text messages:Task3 - EMERGENCY protocol is being executed...The system is haltedRED LIGHT is flashing and SOUND ALARM is ONPress button SW3 to clear the system and reboot…d) then, Task3 will make the onboard GREEN LED OFF, and pin PTC16 High (“alarm sound is ON”). Use anexternal LED connected to pin PTC16 to demonstrate the pin’s operations.e) Task3 will make the onboard RED LED to blink rapidly at 4Hz by using the PIT timer channel 0 interrupts.At this point, the system is supposed to be “halted”, because the software timer has been stopped by theSW2 ISR, and as a result, Task1 and Task2 will not be able to run, and this is the essential requirement forthis project.3. When button SW3 is pressed, the button’s ISR will do the following actions:a) print the following message:SW3 ISR - REGULAR system operation is resuming...b) turn the RED LED OFF and GREEN LED ON,c) make pin PTC16 Low,d) and restart the Software Timer.After this, the program will run the three initial tasks again – Software Timer, Task1, and Task2. The REDLED will be OFF, GREEN LED ON, and pin PTC16 will be Low.
for frdm k64 in mcuexpresso ide
The following is the required sequence of the system’s operations:
1. When the program starts, the onboard GREEN LED is ON (“regular operation”), pin PTC16 is Low (“alarm
sound is OFF”), and the initial message is shown on the console:
Then, the program will run continuously three tasks – Software Timer ISR, Task1, and Task2. Each task will
print one message to the console, on a new line, exactly as shown below:
Software Timer ISR – sensors are read
Task1 – sensor data is processed
Task2 – display is updated
2. When button SW2 is pressed, the button’s ISR will do the following actions:
a) it will stop the Software Timer and print the following message:
b) it will cause Task3 to start running to continue processing the “emergency-related procedures”,
c) Task3 will output the following text messages:
Task3 - EMERGENCY protocol is being executed...
The system is halted
RED LIGHT is flashing and SOUND ALARM is ON
Press button SW3 to clear the system and reboot…
d) then, Task3 will make the onboard GREEN LED OFF, and pin PTC16 High (“alarm sound is ON”). Use an
external LED connected to pin PTC16 to demonstrate the pin’s operations.
e) Task3 will make the onboard RED LED to blink rapidly at 4Hz by using the PIT timer channel 0 interrupts.
At this point, the system is supposed to be “halted”, because the software timer has been stopped by the
SW2 ISR, and as a result, Task1 and Task2 will not be able to run, and this is the essential requirement for
this project.
3. When button SW3 is pressed, the button’s ISR will do the following actions:
a) print the following message:
SW3 ISR - REGULAR system operation is resuming...
b) turn the RED LED OFF and GREEN LED ON,
c) make pin PTC16 Low,
d) and restart the Software Timer.
After this, the program will run the three initial tasks again – Software Timer, Task1, and Task2. The RED
LED will be OFF, GREEN LED ON, and pin PTC16 will be Low.
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