Find the radii of the 238 U and 4 He nuclei and then determine the ratio of those radii.
Q: Find the radius of a nucleus of
A: The radius of nucleus is given as
Q: (a) What is the ratio of the radii of the nuclei Ni-58 and N-15? (b) What is the ratio of the…
A: The average radius of the nucleus with mass number a is given by Given
Q: The uranium in the earth’s crust is 0.7% 235U and 99.3% 238U. Two billion years ago, 235U comprised…
Q: 226 Ra 88 222 Rn + X 86
A: In all nuclear reaction mass number (mass) as well as atomic number (charge) remains conserved
Q: U-238 (Z=92) decays by β- to a daughter isotope, the atomic mass (A) and atomic number (Z) of the…
A: Given: Atomic no. of U, Z=92 Atomic mass of U, A=238
Q: Neptunium-237 decays through alpha decay and forms protactinium. Estimate the kinetic energy of the…
A: Alpha decay is one of the three main forms of radioactive decay. In alpha decay, the unstable…
Q: 18 O What is the binding energy per nucleon of the ruther- fordium isotope Rf? Here are some atomic…
Q: What is the binding energy per nucleon of neon-22 (Z = 10) given that it has a mass defect of…
Q: Mg, dMg are all stable. Draw energy-level diagrams for these nuclei and use the dia grams to explain…
A: The Energy level diagram of 12M24 is given below.
Q: Calculate the radius of the Be nucleus. (Useful constant: ro = 1.25 fm.) 2.50 fm Determine the…
Q: Identify the missing nuclides in the following decays: (a) 2Bi →? + He (b) Kr → ? + e + D (c) ?→He +…
A: a)the decay is alpha decay ,
Q: Consider the Deuterium-Tritium fusion reaction ²H +³H → ˆHe+n How much is the energy released per…
A: Standard values:
Q: What is the nuclear equation for Gd (alpha decay)? 64
A: Answer C
Q: Fill in the missing isotope for the following decay process. C→ ?+e¯+v A 14N B He © c' 1Be
Q: Find the energy released in the fission reaction
Q: In the reaction n+ 12C → a ±? , what is the product nucleus?
Q: What is the the total binding energy of o 28NI. It isotope mass is 59.930786 u. The mass 60 of a…
Q: Fill in the missing isotope for the following decay process. ¹4C ?+e+v 6
Q: What proportion of 235 U was present in a rock formed 3,000 x 106 years ago, given that the present…
Q: Only two stable nuclei have Z>N. (a) What are these nuclei? (b) Why don't more nuclei have Z> N?
A: The nucleus of an atom is made of protons and neutrons. They are held together by the strong nuclear…
Q: Compute the Coulomb repulsion energy between two nuclei of 238U.
A: All charged particles exert a force on each other called Coulombic force. If the charges are of same…
Find the radii of the 238 U and 4 He nuclei and then determine the ratio of those radii.

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps

- A uranium-235 nucleus absorbs a neutron and the splits into a bromine-87 nucleus, a lanthanum-146 nucleusand additional neutrons. What is the energy released in the reaction? (Bromine-87 = 86.920711 u, andlanthanum-146 = 145.925791 u)238 2U undergoes a series of reactions in which it emits eight He nuclei and six elections. Which isotope results from this series of reactions? 206TI 206 82 Pb 207 82 o 2 RaSelect the product nucleus resulting from the alpha particle decay of: 237 Np 93 a. 233 Pa 91 b. 237 Pa 91 c. 233 Np 93 d. 237 Pu 94
- What is the nuclear equation for 2Pu (alpha decay) wwwwwww 244PU 242 90 1) 244 Pu → 24QU + ¿He 92 248 c. 2Pu -> 94 244Pu → 246TH + ZHe 94 90The 14C isotope undergoes beta decay according to the process given by Equation 29.15. Find the Q value for this process.b) What type of decay is happening in the equation below? State two of the conservation laws that apply and explain how they are satisfied 238 92 U 234 Th + 4 a 90 2 c) Use the graph below to calculate the half-life of Protactinium 234, explain how you got your answer. Half Life of Protactinium 234 50 40 30 20 10 222222° 80 70 60 Activity (Bq) 0 20 20 40 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time (seconds)