we will consider a case whereby you need to or would like to expand your home to accommodate your growing family. Please construct a simple project plan that includes itera�ons, and other elements of Agile covered in class. Your plan could be completely Agile/Itera�ve or could be a hybrid of waterfall and Agile. Your plan should: • Be no more than 4 standard-size, single-spaced pages long. You should use point-form, charts, and tables to convey your informa�on concisely and clearly. • Consider the star�ng requirements listed below. • Explain the key constraints evident from the requirements.
we will consider a case whereby you need to or would like to expand your home to
accommodate your growing family. Please construct a simple project plan that includes itera�ons, and
other elements of Agile covered in class. Your plan could be completely Agile/Itera�ve or could be a
hybrid of waterfall and Agile. Your plan should:
• Be no more than 4 standard-size, single-spaced pages long. You should use point-form, charts,
and tables to convey your informa�on concisely and clearly.
• Consider the star�ng requirements listed below.
• Explain the key constraints evident from the requirements.
• Explain who is the sponsor, and the key stakeholders.
• Explain which por�ons of your project can be completed itera�vely.
• Explain the number of itera�ons and the dura�on of each itera�on.
• Explain the ac�vi�es and tasks that need to take place during each itera�on, and/or the waterfall
stages if you are using a hybrid approach.
• Explain the poten�al decision points, and their loca�on in the project cycle.
• Provide dates for the start and end of each stage of the project.
• List and explain the possible dependencies, and their poten�al impact on the course of the
• List any assump�ons you had to make when formula�ng the plan.
• Discuss how the introduc�on of itera�ons affected the dura�on and cost of the project
compared to Assignment 1, and how the quality of the finished extension is likely to be affected.
• Discuss why you chose to use either completely itera�ve, or hybrid itera�ve/waterfall approach.
Star�ng Requirements
• The house extension should have 3 addi�onal bedrooms and 1 addi�onal bathroom.
• The architecture of the extension must be esthe�cally appealing and must not clash with the
current architecture of the house.
• The extension must connect with the exis�ng house, and the footprint must fit into the property
lines as required by the city bylaws.
• At least one of the bedrooms and the bathroom must be ready to move into by August 2024.
• The total budget for the extension is $200,000 CDN

Step by step
Solved in 5 steps

Explain the poten�al decision points, and their loca�on in the project cycle.List and explain the possible dependencies, and their poten�al impact on the course of the
project. List any assump�ons you had to make when formula�ng the plan.