Explain Challenges to the Old Order: Jainism and Buddhism

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Explain Challenges to the Old Order: Jainism and Buddhism

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 Challenges to the Old Order: Jainism and Buddhism

Buddhism and Jainism are two ancient Indian religions that flourished in Magadha (Bihar) after the Vedic period (sixth century BC - fifth century BC). These religions emerged as the most important religious reform movements in ancient India. Mahavir Jain, the proponent of Jainism, is considered to be the 24th Jain Tirthankara, while Buddhism considers Siddhartha Gautama as its founder.

The challenges faced by Buddhism and Jainism in ancient times were very similar. Despite enjoying dominance and state favor for centuries, one of the greatest challenges to Buddhism and Jainism came in AD. Derived from the revival of Reformed Hinduism that began in the fourth and fifth centuries.

The Indian Jain community succeeded in retaining its unique identity when Buddhism - its contemporary religion - was in a state of decline until it was believed that it had actually been wiped out from India. The different fate of the two non-Vedic religions is particularly intriguing because as there are so many similarities between Mahavira and Buddha, the two monarchical states became Kshatriya saints who left home with their chief, each union. Founded by monks and late followers. However, a puzzle arises from the decline and disappearance of the religion of the Buddha in his birthplace, despite the fact that the Jain community lived continuously without traveling outside India.



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