Estimate the critical density of the universe if the Hubble's constant was 50 km/s/Mpc.
Q: Assume a flat FRW universe, dominated by radiation throughout its history. Calculate the physical,…
A: The objective of the question is to calculate the physical, cosmological horizon size at a given…
Q: Assuming that hydrogen fusion requires the Universe to have a temperature of T ≥ 107 K (as measured…
A: The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) is electromagnetic radiation, generated in the…
Q: The critical mass density needed to just halt the expansion of the universe is approximately 10-26…
A: Given critical mass density needed to halt the expansion of the universe is ρcrirical = 10-26 kg/m3
Q: Assume a flat FRW universe, dominated by radiation throughout its history. Calculate the physical,…
A: The objective of the question is to calculate the physical, cosmological horizon size at a given…
Q: Critical density of a universe is found to be 6×10-27 kg/m. Estimate the value of Hubble constant.
A: It was observed that galaxies are moving away from each other and the farther they are faster they…
Q: Calculate the critical density of a universe with Hubble constant of 89 km-s¹.Mpc¯¹.
A: It is observed that galaxies are moving away from each other and the farther they are faster they…
Q: Calculate the age of the universe for the following Hubble's constant, (b) 65 km/s/Mpc
A: As per Hubble's law, the universe is expanding. If we assume that the expansion's apparent velocity…
Q: b) The cosmic microwave background dates to a time when the universe was -380,000 years old, or to a…
A: Given: 380000 years ago Tr=3000 Kz=1100
Q: The present number density of electrons in the Universe is the same as that of protons, about 0.2…
A: The present number density of electrons = 0.2m-3. Long before the formation of microwave background,…
Q: The Lyman a line in a galaxy's spectrum was observed to be 208 nm. Calculate the Doppler redshift.
A: When there is relative motion between observer and source the wavelength observed will e shift. When…
Q: Using a value for Hubble's constant of 71 km/s per Mpc, find the recession velocity of a galaxy at a…
A: All observed galaxies were found to be redshifted which meant they were moving away from the Earth.…
Q: Suppose the Hubble constant were not 22 but 53 km/s per million light-years. Then what would the…
A: Given: New Hubble constant, H' = 53 km/s per million light-years
Q: Estimate the critical density of the universe if the Hubble's constant was 100 km/s/Mpc.
Q: Calculate the Hubble time for a universe with a Hubble constant of sixty kilometers per second per…
A: Given:Hubble's constant, Ho = 60km/(s Mpc)Asked:Hubble's Time, tH = ?
Q: Compute a numerical value (in units of protons/m3 ) for the critical density of our Universe. How…
A: The critical density for the Universe is given by, ρ = 3H28πG where H is the Hubble constant and G…
Q: Estimate the temperature of the universe when it was approximately 1 minutes old
A: Our universe is thought to be formed from a singularity of infinite density and temperature. It…
Q: Use the Friedmann equations to show that the deceleration parameter go and the density parameter N…
A: According to Dark energy and the cosmological constant, the acceleration of the scale factor is…
Q: Use the redshift of 3.8 for 4C41.17, a powerful radio galaxy, to determine the distance of the…
A: (a) the speed of the galaxy is, vc=z+12-1z+12+1vc=3.8+12-13.8+12+1=0.917v=0.9173×105 km/s=2.75×105…
Q: According to the version of the Big Bang Theory without a Cosmological Constant (and without Dark…
A: Hubble's Law states that as the universe is expanding in all directions, the receding velocity of an…
Q: Explain why it only appears that we are at the center of expansion of the universe and why an…
A: Universe is expanding from everywhere and it has no center of expansion. Materials expand from a…
Q: Assume a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe. Calculate the redshift z at which the temperature…
Q: What is the redshift z of a galaxy 186 Mpc away from us? Note: Assume a value of the Hubble…
A: Hubble's law, also known as Hubble- Lemaitre law states that the velocity of the galaxy, also called…
Q: What would be the critical density of matter in the universe if the value of the Hubble constant…
Q: Calculate the Hubble time for a universe with a Hubble constant of 60 km-s-1-Mpc-1.
A: Edwin Hubble observed that the galaxies were moving away from us. He calculated their recession…
Q: An object is measured to be at a distance of 20 Megaparsecs away from Earth. Using a currently…
A: According to the Hubble's law, galaxies are moving away from Earth at speeds proportional to their…
Q: By what factor would the critical density of the universe today change if the Hubble constant today…
A: Understanding the critical density of the universe is pivotal in unraveling its composition. The…
Q: The Hubble constant is (approximately) 70 kilometers per second per megaparsec. At approximately…
Q: At what temperature is the thermal radiation in the universe energetic enough to produce nucleons…
A: We have to find the temperature at which the thermal radiation in the universe will be energetic…

- The minimum density that is required to stop the expansion of the universe is defined as the critical density. A universe with its density at critical density is said to be flat.
- Critical density is given by,
Here H is the Hubble constant and G is Newton’s gravitational constant.
Step by step
Solved in 3 steps

- Using a value for Hubble's constant of 71 km/s per Mpc, find the distance of a galaxy that is receding at a velocity of 1600 km/s.Estimate the critical density of the universe if the Hubble's constant was 100 km/s/Mpc.If you observe light emitted from a distance object when the cosmic background temperature was Tz=54K, what is the redshift z of that light? At that redshift, what was the diameter Dz of the universe at that time compared to the diameter of today's universe D0?