estimate how much the earth would move if everybody on earth jumped at the same time

Earthquakes, if they are large enough, can affect the speed of earth's spin. In 2011, the massive earthquake that hit in Japan slightly accelerated earth's spin. Shortening our days by about 1.8 microseconds. There fore Foot believed in the idea that if everyone jump at the same time, we might be able to affect the earth's spin.
Sure enough, from a kilometre and half away the team were still able to detect an earthquake that read 0.6 on the Richter scale. however scaling that up he figured out that it was not enough.
Earthquake does not affect the planet's spin until they reach at least eight, and for this you would need seven million times more people than currently live on the planet. he concluded,"so the urban legend is completely untrue. you cannot shift the planet if everyone jumps at the same time, you cannot even change how fast it spins. there's no truth in it at all.
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