ependent Variable ROG ethod Least Squares ate: 05/3020 Time: 16:55 ample (adjusted) 2010M02 201012 cluded observations: 119 after adjustments Coefficient Std Error 1-Statistic Prob -5.299928 7.471802 -0.709324 0.4796 1224135 0.145467 8415219 0.0000 -0.000999 0.400044 -1.742307 00842 1.391149 1265579 1.099220 02740 0206116 -1.757011 0.0816 UNEMP RTWD 910 -0.362148 -squared usted R-squared E of regression 4.763334 Akake into criterion um squared resid 0.426338 Mean dependent van 0.863578 0.406210 SD dependentvar 6.181510 6.000881 6.117651 2586.586 Schwarz criterion -3520524 Hannan-Quinn criter 6048298 21.18086 Durbin Watson stat 1.892017 0.000000 Variable с RORD INTEREST og likelihood -statistic e above is a regression output for a stock return of a bank (RMQG) against the market return (RORD), interest rate (INTEREST), unemployment rate (UNEMP), and change in (trade-weighted) exchange rate (RTWD) of Australia using the monthly data from 2010 to 2019 (119 servations). All variables are expressed in percentages (%). hat is the p-value for the nulll hypothesis that the coefficient of interest rate is equal to 0 against the two-tailed alternative? elect one: Da 0.0842 O b. 0.0421

In the given regression results , it gives 4 key values corresponding to each explanatory variables:
Coefficient : It is the estimated coefficient of the corresponding explanatory variable
Standard Error : it is the standard error of the coefficient of the corresponding explanatory variable
t- statistics : it is nothing but ; (estimated coefficient value / standard error of the coefficient of the corresponding explanatory variable)
- This T value is corresponding to the null hypothesis which states that the given explanatory variable have no impact on the dependent variable => coefficient of the explanatory random variable is 0
Probability: It is just P(t > estimated coefficient value) + P(t < estimated coefficient value) ; these probability can be found from the t - distribution table. We also call it the P- Value
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