Devry HRM330 Week 1 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015 NovemberDQ 1When efficiency, equity, voice, and other employee, union, and corporate goals conflict with each other, what should happen next? Should property rights dominate labor rights? Should labor rights dominate property rights? Should they be balanced? Defend your reasoning
Devry HRM330 Week 1 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015 NovemberDQ 1When
efficiency, equity, voice, and other employee, union, and corporate
goals conflict with each other, what should happen next? Should property
rights dominate labor rights? Should labor rights dominate property
rights? Should they be balanced? Defend your reasoningDQ 2Discuss
the current pressures on the U.S. labor relations systemâon the
corporate side, workplace flexibility and employment involvement
(stemming at least partly from globalization) and on the labor side, low
union density, a representation gap, and difficulties in organizing new
workers.Devry HRM330 Week 2 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015 NovemberDQ 1Like
any business, labor relations require a strategic approach to create an
efficient plan in support of employees. What is a key union or labor
strategy that is still used today? What is a key historical strategy
that should no longer be part of a labor relations plan? Thoroughly
explain both responses.DQ 2It has been
written, âThe attempt of persons to understand the forces remaking their
world and, by organization, to control them, constitutes the major
motif of the social history of the late 19th century.â Describe how this
statement applies to workers and unions in the different periods of
labor history. Does this statement have applicability in todayâs labor
relations arena?Devry HRM330 Week 3 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015 NovemberDQ 1Human
resource professionals need to ensure that employees have a voice in
the employment relationship with their employers. From an HR
perspective, what strategies would you consider employing to make sure
employees have the ability to have a voice? Explain your reasoning for
those strategies.DQ 2Discuss what you think
are the most important challenges for both unions and management in a
union workplace. Why are the challenges in a nonunion workplace? How
have these challenges changed over the last 5 to 10 years?Devry HRM330 Week 4 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015 NovemberDQ 1In
both private and public sectors, a sharp increase in union membership
coincides with the passage of protective legislation. A long-standing
debate is whether increased demand for unionization causes new
legislation or vice versa. What side of this argument do you find
yourself on and why? Explain your reasoning. Bring in recent examples in
the news that support your stand.DQ 2Bargaining
has resulted in many rights and benefits for all employees within the
workplace. Describe your understanding of the purpose of bargaining.
Conduct some additional research, and review a case study that includes
union bargaining (be sure to cite your source of the case study).week 5DQ 1List
the pros and cons of interest arbitration. Why do you think the usage
of interest arbitration in the private sector is so low?DQ 2A
union-represented employee filed a grievance with her employer because
she was terminated. The employer stated they were in an at-will state
and had the right to terminate anyone at any time without cause. The
former employee was terminated with no reason given, so the employer
states he had the right to terminate her on the spot. Share your
thoughts on this scenario as the labor relations professional. Detail
what steps you would take, if any, and explain each step thoroughly. Be
sure to cite labor law accordingly.week 6DQ 1Some
conflict management styles include avoidance, accommodation,
competition, compromise, and collaboration. Which style do you think you
use for conflict resolution? Share why you tend to use that approach to
resolve conflicts. Also share instances when a particular style did not
go so well. Why, from your view, did that happen? What, if anything,
did you learn when that style did not help?DQ 2According to Arbitrator Daugherty (Koven and Smith, 2006), there are seven tests of just cause.Was the worker given advance warning of the consequences of his or her conduct?Was the rule, order, or standard reasonably related to employee performance?Was the alleged violation thoroughly investigated before discipline?Was the investigation fair and objective?Did the investigation reveal convincing proof of guilt?Was the employer’s discipline nondiscriminatory?Was the discipline reasonably related to the worker’s record and the severity of the conduct?How
would you answer these questions based on the following scenario? Be
thorough because you will be presenting this in front of the union.ScenarioAn
employee received a disciplinary letter for her personnel file because
she made a mistake on the job. This letter removes seniority points from
her record. The company is in the middle of layoffs, and as a result of
this letter, this employee would be next for layoff, when without the
letter, she would have been safe. The mistake did not cost the business
money but rather embarrassment to the supervisor, according to the
employee. The contract states that the disciplinary process may be used
for performance issues. The supervisor stated that the employeeâs
mistake was a performance issue and he had the right to issue a
disciplinary letter. This employeeâs previous performance appraisals
have been satisfactory and above.ReferenceKoven, A., & Smith, S. (2006).week 7DQ 1What
recommendations would you make to union and management leadership in
order to meet the demands of a constantly changing workplace? What are
some possible warnings?DQ 2There is going to be a major
generation shift with baby boomers leaving the workplace. Generations X
and Y do not have the same ties to union activities as the baby boomers.
What might unions have to offer these new generations? How would unions
go about connecting with these two generations?Written Assignment #1
HR Strategy Responding to a Union Organizing Drive
Due Week 3
There are 4 scenarios at the end of Chapter 6 of the
textbook, pages 225 and 226. The purpose of this assignment is to provide you
with real world exposureto the functions performed by labor relations. This assignment is worth 150 points; see
rubric below.
for this Assignment
Read through each of the 4 scenarios. Spend some time
analyzing what actions you would take as the HR Manager for these
1. Write a6-8
page paper (does not include title page or reference page/pages) providing a
âsummaryâ of your actions.
a. You are the
HR Manager for each scenario.
b. Read
through each scenario.
c. Read
through the Plan-Do Check-Act(PDCA) process that is located in DocSharing. This
will be helpful in your analysis of the issues as well as offering viable
d. Outline
your various alternatives in responding to the union organizing drive.
e. Develop and
support aspecific recommended course of action to present to upper management.
2. Follow APA
format guidelines.
3. You should
be able to cover the alternatives and recommended actions in 1 1/2 to 2 pages for
each scenario.
4. The paper
should include theory application. In
other words, once you have conducted your analysis, what theories link to the Labor
Relationsprocesses/functions? For
example, spend a little time justifying the recommendations you made to upper
management. Why should management pursue your suggestions? What analysis have
you done that makes your recommendations viable? What are the pros and cons of
the recommendations? week 5You DecideScenario SummaryYour Role/AssignmentKey PlayersScenario SummaryCarol
Fern has been employed by Bainbridge Borough for 18 years as a tax
clerk. The tax clerk position is part of the bargaining unit represented
by Local 10 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME). When Carol and her husband found out that she was
unable to conceive, they decided to adopt a child. The Ferns were
notified on April 22 that a 3-month-old baby girl was available and they
could adopt her in three days. However, Carol told the adoption agency
that she thought it was unfair to leave the company on such short notice
because April was a busy tax season. Adoption was delayed until May 2.
On April 27, Carol requested two weeks of paid vacation for May 2 to May
17. This request was granted. The day before she was to return from her
paid vacation, Carol asked for 6 months of unpaid maternity leave. The
request had to be approved by the Bainbridge Borough Council, which
rejected the request by a 4-3 vote. However, the council did offer Carol
two consecutive 90-day reasonable purpose leaves (amounting to 6 months
of leave). On June 1, the following grievance was filed. According
to Article X, Section 4.AâUnpaid Leaves, 5. Maternity on page 13 of the
final agreement between Bainbridge Borough and Local 10: Maternity
leaves not to exceed 6 months shall be granted at the request of an
employee. Maternity leaves shall, upon the request of the employee, be
extended or renewed for a period not to exceed 6 months. Relief or
remedy sought: Granting of the just and deserved leave request. A
Potentially Relevant Contract Provision A. Leaves of absence for a
limited period without payânot to exceed 90 daysâshall be granted for
any reasonable purpose. Extension to be granted with approval of Borough
Council.Your Role/AssignmentThe Issue The
union claims that the company violated the collective bargaining
agreement by denying Carole Fernâs request for maternity leave. Carole
Fern is clearly a new mother and is therefore entitled to the leave
specified by the contract. The town argues that maternity leave is for
mothers of naturally-born infants, not adopted children, and therefore,
Carole Fern is not entitled to maternity leave. So, decide which one is correct: Does maternity leave apply to adoptive mothers or only to mothers actually giving birth?Key PlayersCarol FernTax Clerk Town People Sally StevensCEO of company Bob SmithUnion leaderYOU DECIDEAssignmentAssignmentYou have three areas of focus for this assignment.As
an attorney for Bainbridge Borough, develop a case to support the
councilâs rejection of Carol Fernâs unpaid maternity leave request.As
an attorney for AFSCME Local 10, develop an argument to support your
clientâs contention that the councilâs rejection of Carolâs unpaid
maternity leave request violated the collective bargaining agreement.As an arbitrator, how would you rule? Why?Write
a two- to three-page paper, (double-spaced, 12 point type, APA style)
that outlines the case for Bainbridge Borough, the case for AFSCME Local
10, and how you would rule as an arbitrator based on the facts you have
for this case.CategoryPointsDescriptionBainbridge Rejection20Based on the collective bargaining agreement wording, defend why Carolâs request should be denied.Unionâs Contention20Based on the collective bargaining agreement, defend why Carolâs request should be granted.Arbitratorâs Perspective30Present the issues that the arbitrator has to analyze in making a decision on the grievance.Total70You
have thoroughly presented both sides of the argument and have shown the
arbitratorâs rationale in the decision to sustain or deny the
grievance.week 7Course Project: Beginning or End of Unions?Submit your
project to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this
page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these″>step-by-step instructions or watch this″>Dropbox Tutorial.See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date″>Objectives|″>Course Project Paper Topics|″>Guidelines|″>Milestones|″>Grading Rubrics|″>Best”>Back to TopThe
purpose of this project is to apply your critical-thinking skills to
address the following concepts in a comprehensive paper. Do not simply
respond to these items but provide a fully reviewed paper about the
future of unions.The objective of this paper is to share your
professional understanding related to labor relations and unions based
on theory. Include the theories from the discussions, your readings, and
the TCOs reviewed throughout the course in this paper.See the Course Project Paper Tour below for more information and tips for writing the paper.Course Project Paper Tour–HRM330_CH_Course_Project_trans.html”>TranscriptCourse Project Paper”>Back to TopThese are the topics you have to choose from to write the course paper.In todayâs economic climate, with more and more organizations continuing to shed jobs, can unions survive?Consider
a specific union, such as the United Auto Workers, International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Teamsters, National Education
Association, American Federation of Teachers, and so forth, and discuss
their viability into the future. What does this specific union need to
focus on to remain in the business world?What changes are needed for unions to maintain support from their membership, the community, and the employers?Labor
unions are experiencing a decline, which includes political influence
and membership. How does politics influence membership decline?What
generational aspects (i.e., baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y)
have influenced labor unions and will continue to do so?What other external dynamics are impacting labor unions? For example, how does the global workforce impact union strategies?For
unions, where were they, where are they, and where do they need to go
to remain or regain an active and viable organization in the 21st
century?For unions, where were they, where are they, and where
do they need to go to remain or regain an active and viable organization
in the 21st century?What is the future of public sector
employees and their union membership? A number of states have focused on
reducing benefits and union rights. Is this the future and will this
focus spread to other organizations outside of the public sector that
have unions?What types of bargaining strategies need to be put into place for unions to be able to survive inside organizations?”>Back to TopWrite
an 8- to 10-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) that
identifies the challenges that unions face in the 21st century.Include all aspects of the assignment criteria outlined.Use a 12-point Times Roman or Arial font, double-space it, and have 1 in. margins as a standard format.Do not include extra lines between paragraphs and so forth.You should use theory throughout your paper, which covers the aspects of the TCOs reviewed in the previous weeks.You should use a minimum of six scholarly resources.DeVry
University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy:
cite in text when quoting (copying information word for word) or using
words and thoughts that are not your own.Submit assignments in Word documents only to the Dropbox by the due date.Graphs and tables are not needed and should not be used in this paper.Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and so forth will all be taken into consideration when awarding points.Proofread your papers before submitting; spell check is not foolproof.This
paper is worth 250 points and will be graded on the quality of the
research topic, quality of paper information, and use of citations,
grammar, and sentence structure.Papers are due in Week 7 of this”>Back to TopThe Final Paper is due in Week 7.Submit
your project to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of
this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these″>step-by-step instructions or watch this″>Dropbox Tutorial.See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.Grading”>Back to TopAssignment Title: Course ProjectCategoryPoints%DescriptionDocumentation and Formatting2510The paper should follow instructions as outlined under the guidelines.Organization and Cohesiveness5020The
paper should have topical flow with like subjects in each paragraph.
Paragraphs should flow and link from one topic to the next. Instructor
feedback from throughout the session should be integrated. Paragraph
transitions should be present and logical. Page count should follow
should be complete, clear, and concise. Sentence transitions should be
present and maintain the flow of thought. Rules of grammar and
punctuation should be followed. Spelling should be correct. Sentence
structure should be clean and clear. The writing style should follow
appropriate undergraduate-level writing.Content15060The
paper content should be thorough, yet concise. Information included
should be relevant to the topic and provide depth and clarity of
theories, as well as theory application. All key elements of the
assignment should be covered in a substantive way. Concepts should be
reviewed clearly, supported by specific details (examples or analysis),
and organized logically. The paper should link theory to relevant
examples of current concepts and industry practice. There should be
correct use of vocabulary and theory.Total250100A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.Best”>Back to TopThese are suggestions for what could be included in this section.The following are the best practices in preparing this paper.Cover PageâInclude who you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.Table
of ContentsâList the main ideas and section of your paper and the pages
in which they are located. The illustrations should be included
separately.IntroductionâUse a header on your paper. This will indicate you are introducing your paper.The purpose of an introduction or opening should do the following.Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.Establish a tone of the document.Include
in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also,
include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the
importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the
questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)Body
of Your ReportâUse a header titled with the name of your project.
Example: The Development of Hotel XâA World Class Resort. Then proceed
to break out the main ideas. State the main ideas, state major points in
each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use
in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, such as separate
sections that are labeled, separate group of paragraphs, or headers. You
would include the information you found during your research and
investigation.Summary and ConclusionâSummarizing is similar to
paraphrasing but presents the gist of the material in fewer words than
the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major
support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out.
Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the tourism
industry.Work CitedâUse the citation format as specified in the Syllabus.Additional hints on preparing the best possible project are as follows.Apply a three-step process of writing: Plan, write, and complete.Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.Complete a first draft and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.The following are the best practices in preparing this paper.Create a separate title page, which includes name, paper title, and university.Include
an introductory paragraph that identifies the paperâs content:
Introduce the subject and the reason it is important, preview the main
ideas and the order in which they will be covered, and establish the
document’s tone.Include a concluding paragraph that provides a summary of the major points from the paper.Use a formal writing style for academic writing (sharing information and facts or theory).Write your paper in third person.Fully describe the concepts and theories. (What does the information mean?)Apply a three-step process of writing: Plan, write, and complete.When
making a statement, for example, all people who break the law should
improve their communication skills to stay out of jail, you must
substantiate that statement. If that statement is not your own thought
or a statistic, cite it. If it is your opinion, state that it is and
explain the information that led to that conclusion. Provide enough
information to validate and explain statements.Minimize copied
information, which just teaches you how to copy and paste. Use
critical-thinking skills to understand the material researched.

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