Determine the overall dry deposition velocity of particles of a diameter of 1 micrometer and density of 1 g cm^-3, over a desert surface at 298K. Assume u*=10 m s^-1 with neutral stability conditions. What are the relative contributions of the aerodynamic and quasi-laminar resistances to the overall dry deposition velocity?
Determine the overall dry deposition velocity of particles of a diameter of 1 micrometer and density of 1 g cm^-3, over a desert surface at 298K. Assume u*=10 m s^-1 with neutral stability conditions. What are the relative contributions of the aerodynamic and quasi-laminar resistances to the overall dry deposition velocity?
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Determine the overall dry deposition velocity of particles of a diameter of 1 micrometer and density of 1 g cm^-3, over a desert surface at 298K. Assume u*=10 m s^-1 with neutral stability conditions. What are the relative contributions of the aerodynamic and quasi-laminar resistances to the overall dry deposition velocity?