Database Management Jill Bill Marketplace is a business located in Florida. Within the JBM compound, you can purchase many types of products that are related to a specific category, for example, books or antiques. JBN does not own any of the stalls that sell products, rather they rent them out to small vendors. Each vendor has to pay a monthly fee to use the Marketplace. JBM products are available to different customers who sell their products daily. Each category type (e.g. books ) is managed by a particular supervisor. A customer will order their selected product in terms of the amount from that vendor, who is also free to apply discounts on any product in his store. Other than category supervisors there are other staff that manages different
Jill Bill Marketplace is a business located in Florida. Within the JBM compound, you can purchase many types of products that are related to a specific category, for example, books or antiques. JBN does not own any of the stalls that sell products, rather they rent them out to small vendors. Each vendor has to pay a monthly fee to use the Marketplace. JBM products are available to different customers who sell their products daily. Each category type (e.g. books ) is managed by a particular supervisor. A customer will order their selected product in terms of the amount from that vendor, who is also free to apply discounts on any product in his store. Other than category supervisors there are other staff that manages different departments in the mall, but they all report to two marketplace managers. The small vendors will report to the category managers on the nature of their stock and if and when restocking is required. All category managers report to the third manager, who is the Purchasing manager for the marketplace. This manager is who will contact the supplier on behalf of the vendor. Thus vendors only sell, and JBM orders on their behalf.

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