Countries with excellent wind energy sources decide on national projects for the development of wind energy. Ten percent of the land area will be devoted to 1.5 kW wind energy per person, roughly the amount of electricity used by one person in an industrialized country. 2 MW wind turbine with a rotor of 80 m diameter is placed in the average layout space of the figure. Depending on the wind conditions, the average output is 650 kW per turbine. Calculate the maximum density of a single sphere consistent with this business plan. Align geographic information with Germany, Spain, India and Denmark (they all have active wind power programs), and discuss the possibilities for achieving this goal in each of these countries.
Countries with excellent wind energy sources decide on national projects for the development of wind energy. Ten percent of the land area will be devoted to 1.5 kW wind energy per person, roughly the amount of electricity used by one person in an industrialized country. 2 MW wind turbine with a rotor of 80 m diameter is placed in the average layout space of the figure. Depending on the wind conditions, the average output is 650 kW per turbine. Calculate the maximum density of a single sphere consistent with this business plan. Align geographic information with Germany, Spain, India and Denmark (they all have active wind power programs), and discuss the possibilities for achieving this goal in each of these countries.

Figure 10.18 (ideal) provides the average crosswind distance and wind turbine spacing.
As a function of rotor diameter, the distance between wind turbines in a wind farm is displayed.
Downwind wind turbines will be spaced 8 times the diameter of their rotors apart.
Here, is the diameter of the wind turbine.
Substitute for .
The average crosswind spacing will be 3 times the rotor diameter.
Here, is the diameter of the wind turbine.
Substitute for .
Calculate the land area required.
Here, is the average crosswind spacing and the average spacing of the wind turbines downwind.
Substitute for and for .
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Solved in 3 steps