Contractual disputes could be time-consuming, expensive and difficult. They can damage Borrower/contractor relationships, cause delays and negatively impact contract execution. They could also substantially increase the contract price. It is therefore in the interest of contracting parties to work at avoiding disputes in the first place. Despite best of efforts, matters may elevate to the level of disputes in the process of contract management. Discuss the triggers for this and offer alternative solutions to contractual disputes.

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Contractual disputes could be time-consuming, expensive and difficult. They can damage Borrower/contractor relationships, cause delays and negatively impact contract execution. They could also substantially increase the contract price. It is therefore in the interest of contracting parties to work at avoiding disputes in the first place. Despite best of efforts, matters may elevate to the level of disputes in the process of contract management. Discuss the triggers for this and offer alternative solutions to contractual disputes.


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