Compulsory Task 1 Follow these steps: ● Create an empty folder called task1_project. ● Open your terminal or command prompt and then change directory (cd) to your newly created folder. ● Enter the git init command to Initialise your new repository. ● Enter the git status command and make a note of what you see. You should have a clean working directory. ● Create a new file in the task1_project folder called and write a program that prints out the message “Hello World!” ● Run the git status command again. You should now see that your file is untracked. ● Enter the git add command followed by to start tracking your new file. ● Once again, run the git status command. You should now see that your file is tracked and staged to be committed ● Now that it is tracked, let us change the file Change the message printed out by the program to “Git is Awesome!” ● Run git status again. You should see that appears under a section called “Changes not staged for commit”. This means that the file is tracked but has been modified and not yet staged.
Compulsory Task 1
Follow these steps:
● Create an empty folder called task1_project.
● Open your terminal or command prompt and then change directory (cd)
to your newly created folder.
● Enter the git init command to Initialise your new repository.
● Enter the git status command and make a note of what you see. You
should have a clean working directory.
● Create a new file in the task1_project folder called and
write a program that prints out the message “Hello World!”
● Run the git status command again. You should now see that your file is untracked.
● Enter the git add command followed by to start tracking
your new file.
● Once again, run the git status command. You should now see that your file is tracked and staged to be committed
● Now that it is tracked, let us change the file Change the
message printed out by the program to “Git is Awesome!”
● Run git status again. You should see that appears
under a section called “Changes not staged for commit”. This means that
the file is tracked but has been modified and not yet staged.
Step by step
Solved in 2 steps