Aano gRLROVINCE OF BATAAN REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR THE Transfer Certificate of Title 320. I 91150 hunicipality of Balanga Ir 1s HERY CERTIIED that certain land situated in the fravince of atean parcel of land (Lot Bat of the eubdi plen Pad-03-004697, baing a portion of lo 8, (LRC) Pen-25914, LAC Kae, No, . situated in the Mun, of Balanga, Province ol Bataan, Bounded on the Se, along 1ine 12 by lot 8-D of the subd. plan; on the S along line 2-3 by lot 91 on tche V., , and n., along linos 3--5-1 by (Road) 1 (LAC) Pes-25914, Baginning at a pt. arked "1" on plan, being H. 27 des. 42 ra 424.5a n. teds Bab.t. 8, Balanga Cade thence s. 6 deg. 07 E., 15.03 m. to pt. 2 thence S. 81 deg, 00 N. 25. 57 . to pe. 3s thence N. 1 deg. 38*., 5.54 a. to s thence N. 42 dag 55K. 16,36 ta to pt. 5; thence N. 83 dag. 34 E., 12.75 n to the pt. of baginning containing an area of TIRSE HRIDRD TENTY SEVIN (327) SCUARE METRRS. All pta. reforred to ara indicated on the plan and are taarited on the ground s follovet.pts 1 & 2 by 2.S. Cyl. Conc. Monas and the rast by Old S. Cyl Cone Honn Bearingn truag date of the origL ourvey, Mar. 1916-Mas 1917 nd bounded and described as follows: the sobd. urvey, Vabi 16, 1982 and sas approved on Har. 16, 19 dance with the prgoisiona of the Land Reglstration Act in the 'nama of eled to on Batoan Phll ipptnea registered in ac CUASAY, of 1legal age, Filipinos and rost * oroter thereof in fee aimple, subject. to such of the incumbrances mentioned in Section 39 of seid Aet es may be subsisting, and to Ir s TUTIA Cimm that sald land wes originally registered on the of Septanber Regiatration Book of the Office of the Register of Deeds of. page as Original Certificate of Tile No. Isued in L. R C. Thu cenificate tas a tranafer from Inaafar Certificate of Tule No. eencelled by vtrtua hereof in so far as the above-described land is concerned. 13th day En the year ntneteen hundred and tventy-tvo in the Volume 131295 Dataen 2351 pureuant to Decree No, Cadagtral Record No, 179 - 89118 which Eitered at Philippines, on the Dy of in the year nineteen. hundred cnd 3130 P m Balanga, Province of Bataan April eight y-tvo ArTEST
1. Draw the lot base on the lot description on TCT (Transfer Certificate of Title).
2. Calculation of Area by:
a. Triangle Method
b. DMD Method
c. DPD Method
3. Subdivide the lot into 2 equal parts. *Reference Course #2
… bounded and described as follows:
A parcel of land (Lot 8-E of the subd., plan Pad-03-004697, being a portion of lot 8, (LRC) Pcs25914, LRC Rec, No.), situated in the Mun. of Balanga, Province of Bataan. Bounded on the E., along
line 1-2 by lot 8-D of the subd. Plan; on the S., along line 2-3 by lot 9; on the W., NW., and N., along lines 3-4-5-1 by (Road) lot 4, (LRC) Pcs-25914. Beginning at a pt. marked “1” on plan, being N. 27 deg. 42’ W., 424.58m from B.B.M. 8, Balanga Cad.; thence S. 6 deg, 07’E., 15.03m. to pt. 2; thence S. 81 deg. 00’W, 25.57m. to pt. 3; thence N. 1 deg. 38’ W., 5.54m. to pt. 4; thence N. 42 deg. 55’ E., 16.36m. to pt. 5; thence N. 83 deg. 34’ E., 12.75m. to the pt. of beginning; containing an area of THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN (327) SQUARE METERS. All pts. Referred to are indicated on the plan and are marked on the ground as follows: pts. 1 & 2 by P.S. Cyl. Conc. Mons.; and the rest by Old P.S. Cyl. Conc. Mons.; Bearings true; date of the original

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