TABLE B.6 Properties of Saturated Steam: Pressure Table V(m³/kg) Û (kJ/kg) Ĥ (kJ/kg) P(bar) T(°C) Water Steam Water Steam Water Evaporation Steam 0.001000 0.001000 2375.6 2380.7 0.00611 +0.0 2501.6 0.01 3.8 206.2 159.7 zero 2501.6 0.008 15.8 15.8 2492.6 2508.5 0.010 0.012 129.2 108.7 93.9 7.0 0.001000 29.3 2385.2 29.3 2485.0 2514.4 2478.7 2473.2 9.7 0.001000 40.6 2388.9 40.6 2519.3 0.014 12.0 0.001000 50.3 2392.0 50.3 2523.5 0.016 0.018 14.0 0.001001 82.8 58.9 2394.8 58.9 2468.4 2527.3 15.9 0.001001 74.0 66.5 2397.4 66.5 2464.1 2530.6 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.026 17.5 2399.6 2401.7 2403.6 0.001001 67.0 73.5 73.5 2460.2 2533.6 61.2 56.4 19.0 0.001002 79.8 79.8 2456.6 2536.4 20.4 21.7 0.001002 85.7 85.7 2453.3 2539.0 0.001002 52.3 91.1 2405.4 91.1 2450.2 2541.3 0.028 23.0 0.001002 48.7 96.2 2407.1 96.2 2447.3 2543.6 0.030 0.035 0.001003 101.0 111.8 2408.6 2412.2 2415.3 101.0 111.8 2545.6 2550.4 24.1 45.7 2444.6 26.7 0.001003 39.5 2438.5 0.040 29.0 0.001004 34.8 121.4 121.4 2433.1 2554.5 0.045 0.050 130.0 137.8 2428.2 2423.8 0.001005 130.0 2418.1 2558.2 2561.6 31.0 31.1 32.9 0.001005 28.2 137.8 2420.6 151.5 163.4 0.060 36.2 0.001006 23.74 2425.1 151.5 2416.0 2567.5 0.070 0.080 0.090 163.4 173.9 183.3 2409.2 39.0 41.5 43.8 0.001007 20.53 2428.9 2572.6 0.001008 0.001009 18.10 16.20 14.67 2432.3 2435.3 2438.0 2403.2 2397.9 173.9 183.3 191.8 2577.1 2581.1 2584.8 0.10 45.8 0.001010 191.8 2392.9 0.11 47.7 0.001011 13.42 199.7 2440.5 199.7 2388.4 2588.1 12.36 11.47 10.69 206.9 213.7 220.0 49.4 2442.8 2445.0 2447.0 206.9 2384.3 2591.2 2594.0 2596.7 0.12 0.001012 0.001013 0.001013 0.13 51.1 213.7 2380.4 0.14 52.6 220.0 2376.7 Appendix B Physical Property Tables 645 226.0 231.6 236.9 0.15 54.0 0.001014 10.02 2448.9 226.0 2373.2 2599.2 9.43 8.91 8.45 8.03 0.16 55.3 56.6 0.001015 2450.6 231.6 2370.0 2601.6 2452.3 2453.9 0.001015 2366.9 2603.8 0.17 0.18 236.9 0.001016 242.0 246.8 2363.9 2605.9 2607.9 57.8 242.0 0.19 59.0 0.001017 246.8 2455.4 2361.1 0.001017 0.001018 0.001019 251.5 260.1 268.2 2456.9 2459.6 2462.1 251.5 260.1 268.2 275.7 282.7 2358.4 2353.3 2348.6 0.20 60.1 7.65 2609.9 2613.5 2616.8 2619.9 2622.7 0.22 62.2 7.00 0.24 64.1 6.45 0.26 65.9 0.001020 5.98 275.6 2464.4 2344.2 0.28 67.5 0.001021 5.58 282.7 2466.5 2340.0 0.001022 0.001025 5.23 4.53 0.30 2336.1 2327.2 2319.2 2312.0 2305.4 69.1 289.3 2468.6 289.3 2625.4 0.35 72.7 304.3 2473.1 304.3 2631.5 75.9 3.99 317.6 2477.1 317.7 2636.9 2641.7 2646.0 0.40 0.001027 0.001028 0.45 0.50 78.7 81.3 329.6 340.5 3.58 2480.7 329.6 0.001030 3.24 2484.0 340.6 350.6 359.9 2649.9 0.55 0.60 0.001032 0.001033 0.001035 83.7 2.96 350.6 359.9 2486.9 2299.3 86.0 88.0 2.73 2.53 2489.7 2492.2 2293.6 2288.3 2283.3 2653.6 0.65 368.5 368.6 2656.9 376.7 384.4 0.70 90.0 0.001036 2.36 2494.5 376.8 2660.1 0.75 91.8 0.001037 2.22 2496.7 384.5 2278.6 2663.0 0.80 0.85 0.90 391.6 398.5 405.1 2.087 2498.8 2500.8 93.5 0.001039 2274.1 391.7 398.6 405.2 2665.8 95.2 0.001040 1.972 2269.8 2668.4 96.7 0.001041 0.001042 1.869 2502.6 2265.6 2670.9 2673.2 0.95 98.2 1.777 411.4 2504.4 411.5 2261.7 1.00 1.01325 (1 atm) 99.6 417.5 2257.9 2675.4 0.001043 0.001044 1.694 417.4 2506.1 100.0 1.673 419.0 2506.5 419.1 2256.9 2676.0
TABLE B.6 Properties of Saturated Steam: Pressure Table V(m³/kg) Û (kJ/kg) Ĥ (kJ/kg) P(bar) T(°C) Water Steam Water Steam Water Evaporation Steam 0.001000 0.001000 2375.6 2380.7 0.00611 +0.0 2501.6 0.01 3.8 206.2 159.7 zero 2501.6 0.008 15.8 15.8 2492.6 2508.5 0.010 0.012 129.2 108.7 93.9 7.0 0.001000 29.3 2385.2 29.3 2485.0 2514.4 2478.7 2473.2 9.7 0.001000 40.6 2388.9 40.6 2519.3 0.014 12.0 0.001000 50.3 2392.0 50.3 2523.5 0.016 0.018 14.0 0.001001 82.8 58.9 2394.8 58.9 2468.4 2527.3 15.9 0.001001 74.0 66.5 2397.4 66.5 2464.1 2530.6 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.026 17.5 2399.6 2401.7 2403.6 0.001001 67.0 73.5 73.5 2460.2 2533.6 61.2 56.4 19.0 0.001002 79.8 79.8 2456.6 2536.4 20.4 21.7 0.001002 85.7 85.7 2453.3 2539.0 0.001002 52.3 91.1 2405.4 91.1 2450.2 2541.3 0.028 23.0 0.001002 48.7 96.2 2407.1 96.2 2447.3 2543.6 0.030 0.035 0.001003 101.0 111.8 2408.6 2412.2 2415.3 101.0 111.8 2545.6 2550.4 24.1 45.7 2444.6 26.7 0.001003 39.5 2438.5 0.040 29.0 0.001004 34.8 121.4 121.4 2433.1 2554.5 0.045 0.050 130.0 137.8 2428.2 2423.8 0.001005 130.0 2418.1 2558.2 2561.6 31.0 31.1 32.9 0.001005 28.2 137.8 2420.6 151.5 163.4 0.060 36.2 0.001006 23.74 2425.1 151.5 2416.0 2567.5 0.070 0.080 0.090 163.4 173.9 183.3 2409.2 39.0 41.5 43.8 0.001007 20.53 2428.9 2572.6 0.001008 0.001009 18.10 16.20 14.67 2432.3 2435.3 2438.0 2403.2 2397.9 173.9 183.3 191.8 2577.1 2581.1 2584.8 0.10 45.8 0.001010 191.8 2392.9 0.11 47.7 0.001011 13.42 199.7 2440.5 199.7 2388.4 2588.1 12.36 11.47 10.69 206.9 213.7 220.0 49.4 2442.8 2445.0 2447.0 206.9 2384.3 2591.2 2594.0 2596.7 0.12 0.001012 0.001013 0.001013 0.13 51.1 213.7 2380.4 0.14 52.6 220.0 2376.7 Appendix B Physical Property Tables 645 226.0 231.6 236.9 0.15 54.0 0.001014 10.02 2448.9 226.0 2373.2 2599.2 9.43 8.91 8.45 8.03 0.16 55.3 56.6 0.001015 2450.6 231.6 2370.0 2601.6 2452.3 2453.9 0.001015 2366.9 2603.8 0.17 0.18 236.9 0.001016 242.0 246.8 2363.9 2605.9 2607.9 57.8 242.0 0.19 59.0 0.001017 246.8 2455.4 2361.1 0.001017 0.001018 0.001019 251.5 260.1 268.2 2456.9 2459.6 2462.1 251.5 260.1 268.2 275.7 282.7 2358.4 2353.3 2348.6 0.20 60.1 7.65 2609.9 2613.5 2616.8 2619.9 2622.7 0.22 62.2 7.00 0.24 64.1 6.45 0.26 65.9 0.001020 5.98 275.6 2464.4 2344.2 0.28 67.5 0.001021 5.58 282.7 2466.5 2340.0 0.001022 0.001025 5.23 4.53 0.30 2336.1 2327.2 2319.2 2312.0 2305.4 69.1 289.3 2468.6 289.3 2625.4 0.35 72.7 304.3 2473.1 304.3 2631.5 75.9 3.99 317.6 2477.1 317.7 2636.9 2641.7 2646.0 0.40 0.001027 0.001028 0.45 0.50 78.7 81.3 329.6 340.5 3.58 2480.7 329.6 0.001030 3.24 2484.0 340.6 350.6 359.9 2649.9 0.55 0.60 0.001032 0.001033 0.001035 83.7 2.96 350.6 359.9 2486.9 2299.3 86.0 88.0 2.73 2.53 2489.7 2492.2 2293.6 2288.3 2283.3 2653.6 0.65 368.5 368.6 2656.9 376.7 384.4 0.70 90.0 0.001036 2.36 2494.5 376.8 2660.1 0.75 91.8 0.001037 2.22 2496.7 384.5 2278.6 2663.0 0.80 0.85 0.90 391.6 398.5 405.1 2.087 2498.8 2500.8 93.5 0.001039 2274.1 391.7 398.6 405.2 2665.8 95.2 0.001040 1.972 2269.8 2668.4 96.7 0.001041 0.001042 1.869 2502.6 2265.6 2670.9 2673.2 0.95 98.2 1.777 411.4 2504.4 411.5 2261.7 1.00 1.01325 (1 atm) 99.6 417.5 2257.9 2675.4 0.001043 0.001044 1.694 417.4 2506.1 100.0 1.673 419.0 2506.5 419.1 2256.9 2676.0
Elements Of Electromagnetics
7th Edition
Author:Sadiku, Matthew N. O.
Publisher:Sadiku, Matthew N. O.
ChapterMA: Math Assessment
Section: Chapter Questions
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