Case 2: A phlebotomist name Sarah is in the process of collecting a pro time and CBC from a patient. The needle is in the patient's vein. As Sarah pushes the first tube onto the needle in the tube holder, there is a spurt of blood into the tube, and she hears a hissing sound. Then the blood stops flowing. She-re-positions the needle but is not able to reestablish blood flow.
Case 2: A phlebotomist name Sarah is in the process of collecting a pro time and CBC from a patient. The needle is in the patient's vein. As Sarah pushes the first tube onto the needle in the tube holder, there is a spurt of blood into the tube, and she hears a hissing sound. Then the blood stops flowing. She-re-positions the needle but is not able to reestablish blood flow.
Case 2: A phlebotomist name Sarah is in the process of collecting a pro time and CBC from a patient. The needle is in the patient's vein. As Sarah pushes the first tube onto the needle in the tube holder, there is a spurt of blood into the tube, and she hears a hissing sound. Then the blood stops flowing. She-re-positions the needle but is not able to reestablish blood flow.