Care of Children and Adolescents (CCA206) T3 2023 Assessment 2 - Case study/ scenario Name: Oscar Wilson Age: 4 years Sex: Male Accompanied by: Meghan Wilson (mother) and Patricia Foster (Grandmother) Present Medical History Oscar presented to the Paediatric Emergency Department (PED) at 1400. Chief complaints included lethargy, fever (very high temperatures), runny nose, and productive cough for the past three to four days. Oscar appeared to be very sleepy and stayed in bed all the time over the past two days. His oral intake was poor during the past week. Oscar has complained of nausea, refused oral food/fluids and had two episodes of vomiting since this morning. He also had one episode of seizures (generalised tonic-clonic seizures) this morning @ around 1000. Past Medical History History of recurrent cold and cough, latest occurrence approximately 4-6 weeks ago Hospital admission X 5 days for Acute gastroenteritis 2 years ago Allergies: Nil known Perinatal History First baby, Antenatal period was uneventful Vaginal birth at 38 weeks, Birth weight: 3.5 Kg, Length & Head circumference: data not available Postnatal: Developed neonatal jaundice, and received phototherapy Developmental History Summary based on the family report: Oscar can walk around in the house and lawn, and has started to run around for short distances, however, is not confident to use stairs. Oscar is not toilet trained by day and needs diapers. Oscar can scribble on paper or a board, however, is not able to draw lines or circles. Oscar can put words together to communicate, however, his speech is difficult to understand. can Immunisation History Unvaccinated due to cultural reasons Nutritional History Predominantly bottle-fed in infancy, semi-solid food started at 4 months of age, mealtime is usually extended due to poor acceptance (need coercion/distraction), prefers finger foods. Family History Meghan (Oscar’s mother) has a history of depression, management has been irregular in the past year; Oscar’s Dad has a history of asthma and diabetes. Social History Oscar has not been enrolled on the childcare/ Early Learning Centre. Meghan does not work. Oscar’s Dad works as a truck driver and will be home only for a few days in a month. Meghan’s mum lives close by and was summoned for help when Oscar had the seizure episode this morning. General Appearance Oscar appears very Cred, drowsy and unsealed. He also appears underweight, his skin is smudged with dirt, and his clothes are smelly Anthropometry Length: 98.0 cm Weight: 12.2 kg Vital signs Respiratory rate: 34-38 breaths per minute Oxygen saturation: 95-97 % on room air Heart rate: 150-160 beats per minute Blood Pressure: 90/58 mm of Hg Capillary refill Cme: 3 seconds Temperature: 39.1°C Neurological GCS 13/15 (E3V4M6), Neck sCffness++, Pain, associated involuntary effort to reduce meningeal stretching (Brudzinski sign +, Kernig sign+), Pupils bilaterally equal and reactive, History of one episode of seizure Respiratory Rhinorrhoea and occasional productive cough Mild increased work of breathing Cardiac/Abdomen/Musculoskeletal: Nil issues noted, abdomen sop, non-tender Renal: last diaper change was 14 hours ago (small amount of urine, yellow) Skin and mucous membranes Dry lips and mouth Few petechial spots on the trunk Medical diagnosis ? Acute Bacterial MeningiIs Treatment plan Admission Contact and Droplet precauCons continuous monitoring of RR, HR, SpO2 Hourly (and PRN) monitoring for - full neurological observations, seizures, blood pressure, temperature and Fluid Balance Chart (FBC) Nil by Mouth until review Blood sample for Venous gas, Full Blood evaluation (FBE), Biochemistry, Culture Lumbar puncture – Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) for biochemistry, microscopy, and culture (before commencing anCbioCcs) IV cannulation, IV fluids - 0.9% sodium chloride + 5% glucose for maintenance (consider 2/3 of maintenance volume. To be revised based on hydration status, Na+ levels, and acid-base status) IV AnCbioCcs, steroids, paracetamol Seizure management Paediatric Medical team to review Consider CT /MRI (MagneCc Resonance Imaging) and further management after Paediatric Medical Consultant’s review Analyse the information provided in the case study scenario and respond to the following questions 1. Define the clinical diagnosis/es. 2. Describe the pathophysiology of the clinical diagnosis. 3. Analyse the aetiology, risk factors, signs, and symptoms of the clinical diagnosis in relation to the current clinical presentation of the child 4. Analyse the growth and development of the child in the case study and identify specific requirements for care during hospitalisation (based on age/ developmental stage) 5. Identify any complex safeguarding issues related to the child in the case study.
Care of Children and Adolescents (CCA206) T3 2023
Assessment 2 - Case study/ scenario
Name: Oscar Wilson Age: 4 years Sex: Male
Accompanied by: Meghan Wilson (mother) and Patricia Foster (Grandmother) Present
Medical History
Oscar presented to the Paediatric Emergency Department (PED) at 1400. Chief complaints included
lethargy, fever (very high temperatures), runny nose, and productive cough for the past three to four
days. Oscar appeared to be very sleepy and stayed in bed all the time over the past two days. His oral
intake was poor during the past week. Oscar has complained of nausea, refused oral food/fluids and
had two episodes of vomiting since this morning. He also had one episode of seizures (generalised tonic-clonic seizures) this morning @ around 1000.
Past Medical History
History of recurrent cold and cough, latest occurrence approximately 4-6 weeks ago
Hospital admission X 5 days for Acute gastroenteritis 2 years ago
Allergies: Nil known
Perinatal History
First baby, Antenatal period was uneventful
Vaginal birth at 38 weeks, Birth weight: 3.5 Kg, Length & Head circumference: data not available
Postnatal: Developed neonatal jaundice, and received phototherapy
Developmental History Summary
based on the family report:
Oscar can walk around in the house and lawn, and has started to run around for short distances, however,
is not confident to use stairs. Oscar is not toilet trained by day and needs diapers. Oscar can scribble on
paper or a board, however, is not able to draw lines or circles. Oscar can put words together to
communicate, however, his speech is difficult to understand. can
Immunisation History
Unvaccinated due to cultural reasons
Nutritional History
Predominantly bottle-fed in infancy, semi-solid food started at 4 months of age, mealtime is usually
extended due to poor acceptance (need coercion/distraction), prefers finger foods. Family History
Meghan (Oscar’s mother) has a history of depression, management has been irregular in the past
year; Oscar’s Dad has a history of asthma and diabetes.
Social History
Oscar has not been enrolled on the childcare/ Early Learning Centre. Meghan does not work. Oscar’s Dad
works as a truck driver and will be home only for a few days in a month. Meghan’s mum lives close by
and was summoned for help when Oscar had the seizure episode this morning.
General Appearance
Oscar appears very Cred, drowsy and unsealed.
He also appears underweight, his skin is smudged with dirt, and his clothes are smelly
Length: 98.0 cm Weight: 12.2 kg
Vital signs
Respiratory rate: 34-38 breaths per minute Oxygen saturation: 95-97 % on room air
Heart rate: 150-160 beats per minute Blood Pressure: 90/58 mm of Hg Capillary
refill Cme: 3 seconds Temperature: 39.1°C
GCS 13/15 (E3V4M6), Neck sCffness++, Pain, associated involuntary effort to reduce meningeal
stretching (Brudzinski sign +, Kernig sign+), Pupils bilaterally equal and reactive, History of one
episode of seizure
Rhinorrhoea and occasional productive cough
Mild increased work of breathing
Cardiac/Abdomen/Musculoskeletal: Nil issues noted, abdomen sop, non-tender
Renal: last diaper change was 14 hours ago (small amount of urine, yellow)
Skin and mucous membranes
Dry lips and mouth
Few petechial spots on the trunk
Medical diagnosis
? Acute Bacterial MeningiIs
Treatment plan
Contact and Droplet precauCons
continuous monitoring of RR, HR, SpO2
Hourly (and PRN) monitoring for - full neurological observations, seizures, blood pressure,
temperature and Fluid Balance Chart (FBC)
Nil by Mouth until review
Blood sample for Venous gas, Full Blood evaluation (FBE), Biochemistry, Culture
Lumbar puncture – Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) for biochemistry, microscopy, and culture (before
commencing anCbioCcs)
IV cannulation,
IV fluids - 0.9% sodium chloride + 5% glucose for maintenance (consider 2/3 of maintenance
volume. To be revised based on hydration status, Na+ levels, and acid-base status)
IV AnCbioCcs, steroids, paracetamol
Seizure management
Paediatric Medical team to review
Consider CT /MRI (MagneCc Resonance Imaging) and further management after Paediatric
Medical Consultant’s review
Analyse the information provided in the case study scenario and respond to the following
1. Define the clinical diagnosis/es.
2. Describe the pathophysiology of the clinical diagnosis.
3. Analyse the aetiology, risk factors, signs, and symptoms of the clinical diagnosis in
relation to the current clinical presentation of the child
4. Analyse the growth and development of the child in the case study and identify
specific requirements for care during hospitalisation (based on age/ developmental
5. Identify any complex safeguarding issues related to the child in the case study.

Step by step
Solved in 4 steps