C.2 Dibuje la fórmula estructural condensada de los reactivos y productos si ocurrió alguna reacción. Fórmulas estructurales condensadas REACTIVOS PRODUCTOS SI OCURRE REACCION CICLOHEXANO (C6H12) CICLOHEXENO (C6H10) TOLUENO (C7H8)

Test with bromine solution: The bromine water test is used to distinguish alkenes from alkanes because alkenes only react with bromine water to produce addition product(dibromo-product).
The reagent - Br2/H2O
The bromine water exhibit orange colour.
Positive test : colourless solution.
Negative test: No change in the orange color of the test solution.
The alkane does not react with bromine water and hence the colour of the solution unchanged in the test.
The alkene and alkynes will react with bromine water and hence the colour of the test solution becomes colourless.
Benzene do not react with bromine water as it contains strong and stable aromatic pi-electron system.
But the aromatic compounds with strong ring activating groups like -NH2,OH can give positive bromine water test.
Examples; phenols and aniline can give positive Bromine water test.
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