C programming for the following formation of a user defined function. Given structs #define MAXSIZE 100 #define MAXSLOTS 100 // DO NOT change the following typedef typedef char String[11]; // date structure data type struct dateTag { int month; int day; int year; }; typedef struct dateTag dateType;
I need help in C
Given structs
#define MAXSIZE 100
#define MAXSLOTS 100
// DO NOT change the following typedef
typedef char String[11];
// date structure data type
struct dateTag {
int month;
int day;
int year;
typedef struct dateTag dateType;
// schedule structure data type
struct schedTag {
dateType date;
int n_slots_taken; // number of slots already taken
int VID[MAXSLOTS]; // VID means Vaccinee ID. VID[i] stores the ID number of the person to be vaccinated
// ex. VID[0] = 102
// means that the 1st person to be vaccinated during
// schedule is the person with ID number 102.
typedef struct schedTag schedType;
// name structure data type
struct nameTag {
String last;
String first;
typedef struct nameTag nameType;
// vaccinee structure data type
struct vaccineeTag {
int ID; // ID number of the vaccinee, note that this number is system-generated (i.e., not a user input)
nameType name; // name of vacinee
int age; // age of vacinee
int bool_frontliner; // 0 means not frontliner, 1 means frontliner
int bool_comorbidity; // 0 means no comorbidity, 1 means with comorbiditity
int priority; // 0 means priority not yet set, 1 to 4 means priority is set
// where 1 is the highest priority and 4 is the lowest priority
typedef struct vaccineeTag vaccineeType;
Create this funcion-
TO DO #1: Implement Search_by_Name() Implement a linear search
@param: name_key is the search key (containing the last name and first name of the person to be searched)
@param: VACCINEE[] is the array of structures (containing info about people who will be scheduled for vaccination)
@param: n is the actual number of elements in VACCINEE[] where n <= MAXSIZE.
returns: if name_key is found, return the index where name_key was found in VACCINEE[];
otherwise, return a value of -1.
Search_by_Name(nameType name_key, vaccineeType VACCINEE[], int n)
Declare your own local variables.
Do NOT call printf() or scanf() in this function.
return 888; // Do NOT forget to return a value. You'll need to change 888.

Step by step
Solved in 2 steps