Browse Project Gutenberg ( for plain text versions of one or more works of literature of your choosing. Write a program that repeatedly searches a file for a target word or phrase. • Allow the user to supply the name of the file to search by means of a command-line argument; if the user does not supply a command line argument, ask for a file name interactively. • You may use either an array or an ArrayList to store each line in the file; but if you use an array, you’ll have to determine the array size (number of lines) before allocating the array. There are several ways to do this. • Report how many lines were read from the file. • Search for either individual words or phrases (Hint: use the .contains method, it’ll work for either a word or a phrase) • Show both the line number and the line itself for each line that contains the search target entered by the user (you may count the first line in the file as line 0). • If a search word is part of a larger word on the line, that counts. For example, if the user searches for “Martian”, then lines with the word “Martians” should be included in the result (but not vice versa). • Searches are case sensitive. If the user searches for “martian”, lines with “Martian” should not be included in the result (unless the lowercase version also happens to be in the line). • Show how many lines contain the search target. • After each search, ask whether to perform another search. Continue until the user chooses to stop.
In java
Browse Project Gutenberg ( for plain text versions of one or more works of literature of your choosing. Write a program that repeatedly searches a file for a target word or phrase.
• Allow the user to supply the name of the file to search by means of a command-line argument; if the user does not supply a command line argument, ask for a file name interactively.
• You may use either an array or an ArrayList to store each line in the file; but if you use an array, you’ll have to determine the array size (number of lines) before allocating the array. There are several ways to do this.
• Report how many lines were read from the file.
• Search for either individual words or phrases (Hint: use the .contains method, it’ll work for either a word or a phrase)
• Show both the line number and the line itself for each line that contains the search target entered by the user (you may count the first line in the file as line 0).
• If a search word is part of a larger word on the line, that counts. For example, if the user searches for “Martian”, then lines with the word “Martians” should be included in the result (but not vice versa).
• Searches are case sensitive. If the user searches for “martian”, lines with “Martian” should not be included in the result (unless the lowercase version also happens to be in the line).
• Show how many lines contain the search target.
• After each search, ask whether to perform another search. Continue until the user chooses to stop.

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