र The diffggent types of margin in simple leaves are: entire, that is, even, without teeth or indentations, serrate, with sharp teeth pointing forward (towards the tip) like the teeth of a saw; serrulate, diminutive of serrate; dentate or toothed, with sharp teeth pointing outward, not forward; denticulate, diminutive of dentate; crenate, with rounded teeth; crenulate, diminutive of crenate; repand or undulate with a wavy margin; sinuate, strongly undulate; incised or cut, with deep, sharp, irregular teeth; lobed, deeply cut, but the incisions not reaching much more than halfway to the midrib; cleft, almost like lobed, but the incisions extend more than halfway to the midrib; parted, with incisions extending nearly to the midrib; and divided, with incisions extending quite to the midrib. According to the number of lobes, clefts, etc., leaves may be 5-lobed, 7-cleft, many-cleft, etc. In pinnately-veined simple leaves the incisions all point toward the midrib, and in palmately veined ones they point toward the apex of the petiole. Pinnately veined leaves may be pinnately- lobed, pinnately-cleft or pinnatifid, pinnately-parted and pinnately-divided or pinnatisect. In palmately veined leaves the same combinations are applied with palamately substituted for pinnately. When using the number of lobes or divisions, we may have palmately 3-lobed, -3-cleft or trifid, -3- parted leaves, etc. and with higher numbers palmately many-lobe, -many-cleft or multifid, etc. The same combinations are made with the substitution of pinnate for palmate.
Plant Structure and Growth
Roots anchor, the plant, ingest minerals and water, direct water and supplements, and store food. These are two kinds of root frameworks.
Plant Life Cycle
Plants are part of the PLANT KINGDOM, which is one of the five kingdoms of life. Plants are divided into smaller classes based on common characteristics. Certain characteristics are shared by all plants. They are made up of a large number of cells. They also make their own food through a chemical process called photosynthesis, which involves the use of water, carbon dioxide, and solar energy. They pump life-giving oxygen into the air as a by-product.
Life Cycle of Plants
All the organisms that belong to the Kingdom Plantae are known as plants. They are multicellular and eukaryotic and can synthesize their food by photosynthesis, known as autotrophic organisms. They are classified based on certain characteristics, such as the plants bear flowers; some have only naked seeds and do not contain flowers. Some plants neither have seeds nor flowers, such as ferns and mosses.
Plant Morphology and Anatomy
The study of life and organisms is biology. The cell is recognized as the basic unit of life by biology. From ancient Greek, biology is recognized. Modern biology deals with the recent developments in Science.
What is the type of leaf margins in these figures?

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