Bidirectional counters, also known as Up/Down counters, are capable of counting in either direction through any given count sequence and they can be reversed at any point within their count sequence by using an additional control input as shown in Figure 2.1. Construct the truth table and decide the sequence of a 4-bit synchronous binary up/down counter for the given clock pulse and UP/DOWN control inputs given in Appendix 1. The counter is positive edge triggered and start with all LOW state.
Instructions and Operation
Nowadays, electrical engineers are required to evolve their practices by incorporating embedded processes, microcontrollers, digital signal processors, and so on. These processors are beneficial in many ways and have changed the perspective of electronic design.
Subroutine Instruction
Subroutine instruction is defined as the instructions used in the programming language in a sequence form saved in memory. They are used to doing a specific task. Subroutine instruction is called a unit that instructs to perform some needed task. There are many programming languages in which subroutine instructions are used but have a different identity or name, such as method, function, subprogram, routine, etc. Subroutine or sub-program is designed or coded as they can be called multiple times while executing the program.
Classification of Buses
A bus inside a microprocessor is a collection of wirelines that contain related information. A group of wires required for communication among the microprocessor and peripherals is known as a system bus. A bus is an electrical or digital passage across which bits are transferred between a variety of computer elements. It mainly links all the internal parts to the CPU (Central Processing Unit) and main memory. The width or size of any bus is crucial since it affects the amount of data that is transferred at a certain time period. Buses always transmit data parallelly, in a 32-bit bus, the information is supplied over 32 wirelines simultaneously and each bus comprises a clock speed measurable in MHz. The various types of buses inside a microprocessor are address bus, data bus, and control bus.
Execution of Instruction
A sequence of instructions makes up a program stored in a computer's memory unit. The CPU executes these instructions by going through a cycle for each instruction. The instruction cycle in a simple computer includes the steps listed below:
![Bidirectional counters, also known as Up/Down counters, are capable of counting
in either direction through any given count sequence and they can be reversed at
any point within their count sequence by using an additional control input as shown
in Figure 2.1. Construct the truth table and decide the sequence of a 4-bit
synchronous binary up/down counter for the given clock pulse and UP/DOWN
control inputs given in Appendix 1. The counter is positive edge triggered and start
with all LOW state.
[Pembilang dua arah, juga dikenali sebagai pembilang Naik/Turun, mampu mengira mana-mana
arah melalui mana-mana aturan kiraan yang diberikan dan boleh diterbalikkan pada mana-mana
titk dalam jujukan kiraannya dengan menggunakan input kawalan tambahan seperti yang
ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 2.1. Bina jadual kebenaran dan putuskan jujukan pembilang atas/bawah
binari segerak empat bit untuk nadi jam dan input kawalan ATAS/BAWAH yang diberikan di
Lampiran 1. Pembilang ini adalah digerakkan bucu positif dan bermula pada keadaan RENDAH.]
la UP
Figure 2.1
[Rajah 2.1]

Step by step
Solved in 3 steps