Based on the definition of "development" , determine if your pipeline project is a development that requires a full environmental assessment. Explain.
Transcribed Image Text: How Williams Builds Pipelines
2. Clearing and grading
The pipeline right of way is deared of vegeta-
tion. Temporary erosion control measures are
instaled prior to any earth-moving activitios.
1. Pre-construc tion survey
Before construcion begins, Williams surveys environmental features
along proposed pipeline segments. Utity lines and agricultural drainages
are located and marked to prevent accidental damage during pipeline
construction. The pipeline's centerine and the exterior right of way and
workspace is staked.
3. Trenching
Topsoil is removed from the work area and stockpiled
in agricultural areas. Wiliams then uses backhoes
and trenching machines to excavate the trench. The
soil that is excavated during dtching operations is
temporarily stockpiled on the right of way.
4. Pipo stringing and bending
Individual joints of pipe are strung along the right of way adjacent to the
excavated ditch and arranged so they are accessible to construction
personnel. A mechanical pipo-bending machine bends individual joints
of pipe to the desired angle at locations where there are significant
changes in the natural ground contours or where the pipeline route
changes direction.
5. Welding, pi pe coating and x-ray inspection
After the stringing and bending are complete, the pipe sections are
aligned, welded together, and placed on temporary supports along the
odge of the tronch. All wolds are then x-rayed. Line pipe roquiros a
coeting at the welded joints. The entire pipe coating is then clectronically
6. Lowering pipe in and backfilling
The pipe assembly is lowered into the trench
by sideboom tractors. The trench is backfilled.
No foroign matorials are alowed in the trench.
7. Testing
After backfilling, the pipe is filled with water and
pressure tested. Tested water is obtained and
disposed of in accordance with applicable regulations.
8. Restoration
Wiliams' policy is to dean up and restore the work area as soon as
possible. Disturbed areas are restored, as nearly as possible, to their
original contours. Temporary environmental control measures are
maintained until the are a is rostored, as closely as possible, to its
original condition.
0 2010 The Wiliama Camparion, Ine.
Transcribed Image Text: Construction Process
Project components
During construction, the right-of-way and temporary workspace will be 32 m on either side of the
pipeline. Areas that require additional equipment such as road or river crossings will have a 75 m right-
of-way. This right-of-way and temporary workspace are cleared of vegetation and topsoil (Figure 3).
They allow construction equipment to drive along, prepare the area and install the pipe, then cover it
back up and replace topsoil. Temporary workspace can also be used to store equipment and materials
that are waiting to be used or installed.
This pipeline project is a 344 km long and 1,219 mm diameter pipe designed to carry natural gas. The
pipe will sit in a trench approximately 1 m below the surface. The project includes the pipeline, ten
surface block valves, the cleared area around the pipeline trench (called the right-of-way), additional
temporary work space, three compressor stations, and temporary access roads (Figure 1).
To pressurize the gas and allow it to flow through the pipeline, the project will also include three
How Williams Builds Pipelines
compressor stations. Each compressor station will be a cleared fenced area 220 m x 315 m. The gas
compressor itself will be in a steel frame building designed to minimize noise. Additional buildings and
structures will include electrical/control facilities, an air-cooling system, a glycol heating þystem, an
office/personnel area, a backup power generating unit, and an equipment storage area.
Additional facilities required during pipeline construction include access roads, construction camps to
accommodate workers (Figure 2), pits to get material such as gravel for roads, and areas for trailers to
serve as construction offices. The camp will be trailers with 360 rooms, a dining hall and laundry,
drinking water and sewage tanks, power generation and heating/cooling systems.
2. Tre
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Figure 1. Main pipeline project components: a) pipeline in the trench during construction b) a surface block valve station and c) a
compressor station (Fractracker Alliance 2019; Fitlike 2007; Buckingham 2019).
Figure 3. Pipeline construction sequence (Williams 2020)
Within the trench for the pipe, soil will be removed in layers. Topsoil will be stored in temporary
workspace in a separate pile from the subsoil. After the pipe is installed, the subsoil will be replaced in
the trench, then the topsoil, then some cover to prevent erosion while vegetation is re-established.
When the pipe crosses existing infrastructure (e.g. roads or other pipelines), a tunnel will be drilled
under the infrastructure to install the pipe. When watercourses or water bodies are crossed, the pipe
can be drilled under or water can be temporarily diverted, and a construction trench can be dug across
the bed of the watercourse/water body.
Compressor stations, camps, construction offices will also be in cleared, fenced areas. First vegetation
and topsoil will be cleared, and topsoil will be stored. The area will also be leveled, and gravel will be
brought in to cover the surface. Gravel pits will also be cleared of vegetation and topsoil before
excavating gravel.
ngle Earth
Figure 2. Example construction camp (Google Earth Pro 2019a).
Temporary access roads will be built to access the right-of-way, the compressor stations, camps,
construction offices and gravel pits. Road areas will be cleared of vegetation and topsoil, and covered
with gravel, as required.
After construction, while the pipeline is operating, an area 18 m on either side of the buried pipe is
covered by only soil, grasses and some shrubs. The remaining right-of-way, temporary workspace, camp
areas, office areas and gravel pit areas are re-vegetated and restored. Compressor station and valve
sites remain cleared during operation.
The compressor stations will run constantly, and people will work at the facility. They will also monitor
the pipeline sensors and controls. Workers will also check the valve sites, perform maintenance, and
conduct aerial flyovers to check for visual signs of leaks (vegetation discolouration).
At the end of the project life, the pipeline will be decommissioned, and the entire project area will be
cleaned up and restored as close as possible to natural conditions.