at creates a dictionary containing twenty (only twenty) States of the United States and their State Capitals. The States of the United States should be the keys. The program also should randomly quiz the user by displaying the name of a State and asking the user to enter that state's capital. The program should keep of a count of the number of correct responses. The program should ask the us
This is in Python
Capital Quiz. This is a problem in which you use dictionaries.
Write a
The program also should randomly quiz the user by displaying the name of a State and asking the user to enter that state's capital. The program should keep of a count of the number of correct responses.
The program should ask the user how many times the user wants to play. If the user says 6, the quiz should run six times and the final output should say, you played this game six times and you got the answers correct four times (if the user got four answers correct).

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