As you read and review course materials, consider how a master’s degree will open opportunities for you in your professional goals. The clearer your goals, the clearer you will be able to see how the knowledge and skills taught in your program align with workplace responsibilities and opportunities.   What goals do you have for this program? What effective habits will promote success as you begin your program? Which habits do you need to adopt or develop to propel you toward your goals?

Related questions

As you read and review course materials, consider how a master’s degree will open opportunities for you in your professional goals. The clearer your goals, the clearer you will be able to see how the knowledge and skills taught in your program align with workplace responsibilities and opportunities.


  • What goals do you have for this program?
  • What effective habits will promote success as you begin your program?
  • Which habits do you need to adopt or develop to propel you toward your goals?
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